
Why why why do people feed the trolls? I see trolls all over Jez and Gawker in the black, while real commenters languish in the greys forever :(

See? This is what makes prison rape jokes so funny! The horror, the humiliation and the complete lack of recourse for the victims or responsibility by those in charge. Comedy gold.

We don’t have an endemic problem with people murdering for pleasure or convincing themselves that what they’re doing isn’t really murder. And I’m just going to ignore that you’re so fucking dumb that you find drug use to be a comparably heinous crime as rape.

We don’t in a culture that generally blames murder victims for their own victimization (unless you’re a black man murdered by a cop, of course.)

This is a really weird power dynamic, and I have to agree that it is super inappropriate. That being said, the student is an adult. Asking mom for support and advice is fine, but she needs to make the complaint herself.

What a horrible thing to go through. :(

Fifteen is PLENTY old to go on a long foreign trip with parental chaperons, even if they ARE doofuses. (And what’s wrong with no itinerary? I’ve never traveled anywhere with one.) Just be straight with her : “look, I think you’re smart and wonderful, but your dad and stepmom are occasionally idiots, so I’m nervous

I’ve had this happen to me, it was definitely a bummer coz I thought we really hit it off. I choose to believe he was just afraid of how beautiful we could become.

Oh, I’ve also ghosted someone else. I was pretty dissatisfied with our “friendship” (there was also sex sometimes) in the first place, because I felt like

What a great way of completely missing the point and making this article about a stupid girl and a stupid kid and not shedding any light on the horrific situation in which immigrants from Africa find themselves when trying to cross to Europe. This is a story about a little boy and his father desperately trying to make

As a one-time linguistics major, grammar peeving seems so silly. So many people seem to immediately react badly to any non-standard or non-literary usage, but I’m like, “What a trivial thing to get upset at.” And why does it impact so badly on so many people when they hear some novel usage — shouldn’t we get excited

If the vast majority of your intended audience doesn’t “get” it, then it’s not “genius” - it’s a failed attempt at satire. People think satirical writing is easy because they confuse snark and meanness with satire, but it’s actually an extremely difficult style to write. Snark and faux meanness are not and will never

Jia, you are not good at your job.

This seems to be more about body shaming than maxi dress hating.

What about circumstances for the fetus that are incompatible with life? IIRC, studies have shown that a vast majority of abortions that are considered “late-term” are performed because of severe fetal abnormality or threats to the mother’s health/life. I mean, I understand the idea that at some point, you’ve waited

Why not just spit out the asinine point you’re trying to make here? Watching you try to be coy is tedious.

The only cat calls I accept.

It’s interesting how that argument is almost never made for men, isn’t it? Women aren’t supposed to have sex unless they’re prepared to gestate, birth, and spend at least 18 years raising a child. Having sex without being willing to take that on makes them dirty, irresponsible sluts. But poor men have no say

Single parenthood really isn’t stigmatized for men, first of all. We demonize single mothers, but we treat single fathers like heroes.

When you can change how dangerous and uncomfortable pregnancy and childbirth can be, then we can begin to have a conversation about this. Until then, you don’t get to make my medical decisions for me.

4 years was totally an appropriate sentence for kidnapping + rape. Absolutely appropriate. Surely any rapist & kidnapper will be magically rehabilitated after such a brief sentence, and it’s a complete reassurance that he will never go do it again after you let him out. No community could possibly be in danger from a