
There is a vast difference between movies that girls happen to like and movies that have well written lead female characters. Every marvel movie lead has been a man. Marvel movies are sausage fests even with Black Widow.

  1. Capitalize all your “I”s and clean up your grammar. The word is “premise”, not “premises” for Gotham. Poor grammar with this type of thing will turn off a lot of women. It looks like you just dashed it off without caring.

Not capitalizing your I’s feels like a choice...and I don’t know if it’s the best one? In general, go over it multiple times, and try to chose interesting and varied adjectives, and make sure your spelling/grammar is accurate.

I’ll admit that woman made a pretty stupid statement, and the state of the American educational system is fucked, but goddamn, I’m tickled pink to read a comment from a German who, without a trace of irony or self-awareness, states that he wants someone arrested for saying what she thinks. Great shit, man. Thanks for

I started sobbing in the middle of karaoke-ing Careless Whispers. Then I went home, collected everyone’s pet poop & mailed it to his office.

I love this. I hope you were loudly sob-singing “I want to feel the HEAT with somebody!”

When I found out my long term boyfriend had a new girlfriend, while we were still living together, I walked to the nearest travel agent and booked a flight to Europe, got an express passport and then quit my job. I was outta there in under two weeks.

My ex cheated on me with his brothers girlfriend. He then had the audacity to ask for his high school lacrosse hoddie back (he was 22 this should have been a warning sign). I burned it at a bonfire, took a picture and put the ashes in a box with the picture.

That was an absolutely terrible thing to do.

Every time I read or listen to something about ‘Upward Mobility’ it inevitably and inescapably makes the presumption that moving up as a POC or a woman or any other minority in a rigged system designed for cisgender white men has a positive connotation; that it is something to be proud of oneself for and aspire to.

He won a settlement for lead paint poisoning.

I don’t know what’s sadder

Amandla is a common South African name, it means Power in the Xhosa and Zulu language and was a protest call for blacks in the apartheid struggle. I used to think her name was silly too until I looked it up

“Forgive me please, but that’s what you get when you play with people’s emotions.”

“She was going to be killed by this guy some day, somehow. She didn’t have to die that night.”

FYI folks, this place is already filling up with racist trolls. Please flag them and don’t feed them.

I don’t know, mandating that people stop on reds at stoplights seems like it’s for safety reasons.

And that’s the problem. People need their neat narrative. The victim has to be the right kind of innocent and then match the political leanings of the beholder to earn sympathy, forget about justice. As horrible as she was, she did nothing to deserve having her face smashed to shit. The police deal with criminals,

Hey, your friendly neighborhood ex-bouncer and security person here.

Woody Allen movies are essentially Nicholas Sparks novels for pseudo-intellectuals (or for a better visual, Woody Allen movies are essentially Nicholas Sparks novels with hipster glasses on): they’re formulaic, predictable, enforce shitty sexist stereotypes, are a little squicky, take themselves far too seriously,