
MRAs think that men should get all considerations for their bad decisions to rape, exploit, harm or kill women, but that women should have their lives fucking ruined for making any possible mistake in judgement ever.

“It’s the headline that is mixing things up. It straight up implies that to be a man you have to have a dick.”

Right, she’s a bitch. Because she didn’t kowtow to his ridiculous and petty demands and took her daughter to an age appropriate concert with adult supervision. I guess she should call him and beg for permission every time she wants to take her daughter out for a hike, or to go see a PG movie too, right?

You could add, “so don’t make a project out of her because at some point it’s going to stop being cute and become harassment.”

This should work, “this won’t work because the waitress is monogamous and currently in a committed relationship.” :-)

Well, the article fails to mention that there were actually three sisters at the beginning of their road trip.

Man, this is a humdinger of a comment in the “rape apology bingo” style.

It was “proven” by the - what - court of law at the University? That definitely exists? And thoroughly investigates?

I’m kind of tired of the dissection fear that pops up in a lot of supernatural-themed media. If scientists have a one-of-a-kind specimen, killing it is the last thing they’ll want to do.

Wow. No. That’s not correct. No kid is weird for that. Kids do stuff like this all the time at varied ages. So, no kids of your own, but I see you fancy yourself an expert. Yeah. Each kid is different. You don’t have to be a parent to understand that, of course. You’d think a grown adult would know anyway, but ... I

I guess, as someone who is fond of children (my own and others), I got a little distracted by the idea of an 8 year old having to face the possibility of having HIV or hepatitis. And missed the much more important point, which was that he “should have known better.” Unless he was developmentally disabled in which case

What you are here is way overinvested. Your nephew doesn’t put things in his mouth. You don’t put things in your mouth. Congratufuckinglations. You’re still finding fault with a child who’s facing months of medical testing and potentially a life threatening disease over an incident that rests squarely on the shoulders

They’re shielding the identity of the child for his privacy, but you know, its not out of the question that this child does have developmental disabilities. Lots of kids do. It’s also possible he was acting on a dare, was bullied into doing it, or all kinds of other things. I don’t really see the point in scrutinizing

“So if I’m walking down the street and some lady comes up to me and asks me for money to fund her abortion, and I don’t give her any, I’m forcing her to be pregnant? “

it’s actually about ethics in gaming journalism

Apparently they “wiped their computers” before they left. I’m interested to see what comes out of that recovery operation.

Eat more pies and level up to the next size.

  1. Seems it did raise red flags which was why she was investigating his facebook page. It’s not impossible she suspected something before but didn’t have the evidence she needed. She may have even talked her self (perhaps with his assistance) into thinking she was being paranoid or overly jealous.

I’m a lawyer, and at the time of this incident was practicing in several fairly small and rural Southern counties. I’d been out of law school for 2 or 3 years, long enough to be tired of the crap I would fairly regularly get from some older male lawyers. I had a trial in the neighboring county, and my opposing counsel

I’m not sure I even see what the alleged “burn” is here and is being asked pressing questions in an academic setting puts you into “smash mode” because you are too impatient to listen to what your interlocutors are saying, I hope your graduation is for a terminal degree and that you’re not going on to grad school.