
I love how you potentially/probably saved your and your coworkers' lives and a bunch of bros still chime in like "cool story, but I just reeeeeally need to correct you on this one thing that you weren't even wrong about". Way to prove the entire point of the article. (This gif is for them, not you, but I didn't want

Oh, fuck off. You're unnecessarily splitting hairs here and you fucking know it.

Did you bother to read the whole story or the comments?

Interesting that a dude chimes in because he doesn't trust what a woman says. Because I'm guessing you're a guy.

You dishonor the rats.

Carbon monoxide is odorless, but (at least in the United States) the gas companies intentionally put an odor into gas so that people can smell leaks. They do this for safety reasons. Here is PG&E's explanation:…

Really, I HAD NO IDEA.

You know why there's the old joke that "my wife is never 'wrong'?" BECAUSE SHE'S PROBABLY NOT. It's true in my marriage anyway (my husband admits this often...not that it helps in a disagreement).

Only a third? Cheapo! I like to establish a 529 savings account for my waitstaffs' children.

"I beg your pardon!" -Satan

Am I really supposed to tip this floral delivery guy when I didn't even know he was coming to deliver me flowers that I didn't even buy?

The art of tipping is, for most people, really freaking annoying. How much is too much? How much is too little? Is this the only reason I had to learn how to calculate percentages in 5th grade?

meh, I considered that. At the time though I was so disgusted that I wanted nothing more to do with him or the ring. Leaving it symbolized that clean-slate cut that I wanted. He was so dumb, he probably wouldn't have understood I was dumping him. SO dumb—about 2 years after we split, he sent me an out-of-the-blue

My best friend found out her husband was having an affair. Accused him, he admitted it, they decided to get a divorce. However they were still living together while going through the motions. Sleeping in separate bedrooms, but still in the same house. He expected her to still do his laundry. Trying to place nice

Okay. It's long!

The "caught" part: He had asked me to grab his phone and take it to him at work, since he'd forgotten it. It was on my way to my job so of course I did it. I grabbed it and at some point needed the time or something so I clicked it open (pre-password days) and saw a winky-face text from number with a

My ex husband of 15 years had been acting kind of shady when it came to a woman that he hired to work for his company. From mild things like going to the gym with her when he had said he wasn't, to coming home and bitching about how her husband wasn't treating her right (my response at the time was "seriously, dude?

Except pregnancy dates are made from Last Menstrual Period (LMP) which means she was

My (now ex) fiancé and I had a somewhat long-distance relationship. I worked an a city 3 hours from the small town we lived in, so I would stay with friends or my parents while I worked my 4 days on, and go home on my days off. Things were never "good" when I was at home, but anyone can tolerate each other for 4-5

I received this text from my boyfriend at the time:

My boyfriend of six years ended things through having an affair with a woman he met through his job (she was an ex grad student of a journalism school where he worked - ugh). I had suspected something for a while and he denied, denied, denied. The night we broke up I came home to find him chatting with her and he