

Good. Another nail in the coffin for the "common wisdom" that female-led media doesn't sell.

All these replies got you down? Cheer up! Smile!!!!

The best way to let a rather contentious comment thread fade is to stop replying. Just... stop. End it on your end and people will move on to something else. Yet you keep replying, repeating the same things over and over that clearly aren't being heard (or not being heard to your satisfaction). Just stop.

But you're assuming people you talk to are mind readers who can tell the difference between you, who'll back off if told nicely, and the guy who is going to eventually kill us because we were nice to start with but then as it turns out didn't care about his boner.

Ah, so since you didn't get the response you wanted from your "niceness" we can all go die in a fire. You know that's exactly the type of shit us women have been talking about.

It seems like you are willfully misunderstanding as well. You keep talking about de-escalating situations even after you've been told several times that those tactics do not work and being aggressive is the only thing that will make strange men leave us women alone quicker.

You are the worst.

Ok, all the responses you get, trying to explain to you why you, don't they tell you something? Like, you are seriously overstepping your bounds here? I get that you don't see it that way, as you continue to defend your behaviour and think you're just misunderstood, and what you're doing is a positive

Well, here's the thing. Here's a sample of what women put up with: Random guy: "Smile, beautiful! It can't be that bad!" My dilemma- do I acquiesce, give him the smile and hope it's enough to dispel him? Or will he take it as an invitation to further intrusions? But what will he do if I piss him off? And way too

Wait, so if someone intrudes on my life and start making demands about my face and mood, and I'm not polite to them, I'm the bitch? You're actually going around telling people to put on a perfomance so that you feel better, and you see yourself as some good hearted person for doing that? Wtf is wrong with you? It's

Dude, women on here, a site for women, are trying to tell you that even though you may have the best intentions, it's pretty much unwanted attention, what you're doing. It's really really not cool to ask a woman you don't know, who already looks like they just may not be having a good day, if they want to engage in a

Well, of the four times I've been physically assaulted on the street, the time I punched the guy in the chest while telling him to "fuck off" was the time I get left alone the fastest, so.

How do you know things aren't that bad?

Okay, well, you made it sound pretty different; when you KNOW a person's situation and they are in a place where they can reasonably be cheered up, there's nothing wrong with that.


nah, it's situation specific obviously, but I started flipping people off for cat calls and such when I was 21-ish. (which was a big deal because i'm quite shy)

As long as we're being pedantic... the definition of the word 'weightless' is almost exactly what you just described. It doesn't actually mean "without weight".

My favorite part of those stories is they typically involve some huge element of privilege (unless it's a "we went to the courthouse with 10 friends and family members" story), i.e. "we got married on my family's farm with 300 people and my aunt is a professional caterer who provided the food and the whole thing was

Ugh, now we're about to get 2000 comments full of people trying to one-up each other on how cheap their wedding was. We get it, you had a huge wedding for 300 people on $12, that does not make the rest of us who spent more than that on our weddings bad people.