
fuck this jackass. Also you KNOW he thinks hes sounding so goddamn smart in this statement. Its such typical "I'm in college at the moment and obviously know everything" bs. I MEAN GUYS HE USED THE TERM "SEXUAL MORES." HES SO SMART.

Where's the naked, passed out picture of his Thesaurus? I'm sure it did not consent to be used this way. Sheesh.

It really says everything that, in the author's point of view, "everyone" means men. He doesn't even see women as people.

It's just stuff that guys do, you know. The human beings in the photos being violated and publicly humiliated don't even factor in. Just bros doing bro shit.

So from this part: " Here's a quick reality check: everyone — from Bill Clinton to your grandfather to every Greek organization in the nation does the same old stuff, just as they have been for the entirety of human history."

Because I have been in similar situations and did nothing I give this gift to all the young readers out there:

This expert basically wants to institute the "2/10 would not bang" meme to help girls. Jesus. Not gonna post actual 2/10 about a woman, here's a cat one to give you the idea (and because it's awesome):


It's cute how you think that it wasn't obvious that he was doing it to the woman on the panel, but not the other man.

I already did. You are refusing or unable to see the connection. I have been in non-monogamous relationships. It didn't matter to me when or where or how my partners had last had sex with their other people. It literally didn't come up. And I certainly wasn't having to "forget it" or thinking about the fact that I was

I love how appropriate your name is.

That gave me a visceral reaction like Id been slapped when I read it. This person sounds less like a woman and more like... a creepy person who my gut says is violent.

Good for you. But you're redirecting. Again. I'm clearly not getting through to you, nor is it clear that you're willing to step outside your own ideas to try another on for size. Either you're seriously this unaware of how ridiculous you sound or you're totally aware and love riling people up. I'm done with you,

No, your larger point is that you're sure nothing wrong happened here, and that the woman in question is just whiny and biased and should shut up, which you keep trying to illustrate by talking about yourself. And then you accuse other people of projecting. Amazing.

This isn't about what I view as professional, this is about what EVERYONE views as professional behavior. The majority opinion in the US specifically is that the behavior this owner demonstrated is unprofessional. That means that most people would be put off by seeing that kind of behavior while they're trying to eat

Yeah, I know, right? "You don't know their dynamic." is so the mantra of abusers, harassers, rapists, pedophiles, ephebophiles and their apologists if I ever heard one.

Are you fucking kidding me with this? After your long post explaining that obviously this woman is wrong in her interpretation because this one time a friend joking made a sexist comment to you and someone else took offense, you're accusing other people of projecting themselves onto this situation?

Only the guests could see that behavior, so they were kind of privy to it. That behavior, even putting aside any feminist notions, is unprofessional as hell and guests shouldn't see that. Some guests actually get offended by that as much as, if not more so, than whether or not their server was slow to refill their

It's not based on an assumption; it's based on an observation. Certainly, she could be wrong in her interpretation of her observation, but it's not like she just said, "Well, I wouldn't like it if a boss treated me like that, so I'm sure this woman didn't either!" She described the server's behavior, and how that

Ok but that's not professional staff behavior. I think unprofessional behavior of the staff when interacting CAN (And did) impact a customer's experience, and I dont see why they shouldnt mention it.