
They want to know if black people are going to be living there”

My very first thought exactly.

But Jia Tolentino said we could just tip extra. Confused face.

being as careful as possible to avoid getting polish on your skin.

After working in the business for about a year, I’m endorsing Acetone removers. The non-acetone formulas are garbage. I use 100% acetone at home and it works like a dream, I would never go back to the old formula.

Because I’m overtired and an idiot at first glance I misread the headline for this as”...gluten free manicure and pedicure”. Glad I came to my senses before chiming in with a “FFS!!!”.

You may not, but Israel is pretty into keeping these people on their side. If only for pragmatic reasons.

Re: II) only two of those are middle eastern countries and of those, Kuwaiti “Democracy” has some pretty dicey issues.

When my dog is boarded I have to go into the cage next to her because she needs a companion person.

Okay. That doesn't make it a reasonable policy, though. It's like suspending a kid for bringing a butter knife to school. Use your fucking brain, people.

Southwest doesn’t have assigned seats.

Seriously, use some judgment. She's a teenager with autism who wanted something to eat, not an armed terrorist. There is literally nothing she could have done that would have taken that plane down and she was sitting with her parents. She wasn't a threat to anyone.

People who take their shoes off and pick dead skin off their feet need to be removed immediately.

She’s a 15 year old girl. I’m pretty sure she was a threat to no one

It was. The family then paid for the meal

Yeah, my friend just had her ginormous dog declared a medical animal because she flies back and forth to a house abroad and in the US. Now the dog sleeps by her feet on the plane. Believe me, the only medical service that dog provides is trying to hump everything that moves.

Meaning people who have actual comfort animals and service animals have a harder time getting what they need? That blows.

I’m confused by what you’re trying to say. I don’t think that distancing yourself from the black community means the only alternative is to join the white community. It seems like she’s simply identifying more as queer than as black, which is understandable. Statistically, African Americans are the most against gay

I live in Europe and this shit has been around for a significant amount of time. It’s all crap, like most H&M stuff, although bargains are to be had, of course. Kind of surprised this is an actual story....unless Jezzie is being paid for it.

Not for nothin’, that packaging is fucking gorgeous.