
I’m going to play the city/state-funded stadium contrarian here (to which someone should feel free to cite endless studies in objection which I will never read) and say that DC has played its stadium and funding cards pretty well and to good effect. I believe Abe Pollin paid for the Verizon Center entirely, although

TBS remains the worst, how do you not put a ptich count in that giant black box! Their audio is always terrible too, kept heaing the same guy clapping this whole game.

Are you really gonna do this for every Cardinals win this season? Really?

2025: Three term President Trump congratulates retiring New New York Met Tim Tebow on his fifth consecutive World Series MVP award by nominating him to the Supreme Court just in time to provide an insurance vote against a suit to close the migrant detention centers located in former National Parks that were returned

I know one person who’d disagree:

You're not alone. Let me tell you about a place called St. Louis...

Oh there you are. Where the fuck is my COTY?

I like the addition of Draymond - it will answer some big questions, like ‘How much padding does a foreskin actually provide?’

An upset Kevin Draper, on the other hand, is definitely something to celebrate.

Woah who let the dogs out?

notsomethingstructural: *gets angry and deletes my name from all the worst song bracket posts*

The one where Kevin Draper was the saddest.

That makes no sense.


Just the fact that he made it this far makes him way more successful than J.J. Redick’s last kid.

Judging by the political turmoil in Turkey right now, there may be an Ottoman Empire around when the Cubs win their next one too.