
Agreed, for the most part. At this point, I have 2 main concerns:

Yeah, to clarify, about 1/2 were friends, 1/2 were acquaintances. Still the same results, though.

It’s already happening. I’m a lifelong Indians fan. Last night was one of the most gut wrenching things I’ve ever witnessed in sports (worse than 1997 in my opinion).

Congrats, Cubs fans. Your “lovable loser” badge of honor is the only thing that kept you tolerable. With this win, the bloom is off the rose. Now you’re just Cardinals fans.

Considering that Cleveland only had 2.5 of its starters healthy (two of whom are their 4 and 5 starters), it’s far from the BIGGEST postseason collapse ever. It’s bound to happen when you exert your pitchers that much without giving them sufficient rest. 2004 Yankees was definitely a bigger collapse.

Lifelong Tribe fan here. I’ve been an avid supporter of changing the team back to the Spiders for years now. Even if Chief Wahoo is laid to rest, the Indians name will continue to be in a gray area. And if they want to do another logo other than the block C, there is very little you can get away that would remotely be

Come on, man. That won’t float here.

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1997 World Series