
Its hard to complain to a kioske.

A great fantasy, but many boomers screwed themselves and will die poor.

I apparently live in the one part of California that is experiencing freezing cold winds in the middle of a heat wave.

She beat me to the deal. I was gonna grab it, but I only had $34,999.99 on me, so they went with the higher bidder.

I escaped to New York where it’s a nice 90°, humid and the hint of dog piss and garbage is in the air... Mwahhh! 

In that era it was common for a movie to make as much or more money from rentals etc than it did in theatres.

Republicans attacking the free market and the military? What’s next? Joining ISIS to fight america?

22.5 = 15 actual years behind bars. That being said, Fuck-face will be in adseg (solitary confinement) for every second of those 15 yrs. 15 yrs of solitary will feel like 30 to him. He will break and loss his mind. Plus there’s the constant threat of knowing that he’s the biggest inmate target imaginable, should he

“Attempted Child Endangerment” is a pretty interesting way to say “tried to rape a 15 year old child.”

LaMont Hamilton is an interdisciplinary artist who created the Five on the Black Hand Side project, which explored “gestural languages that were born in African American communities” during the ’60s and ’70s. According to Hamilton:

He really wanted to have Putin's power...  Would have taken it if he could.

Like Emily Brandwin (I think?) said on Twitter;

Dude, that was a quote that had “indian” in it.

Can someone explain that chyron to me? How are Dems supposedly denying CRT exists while simultaneously indoctrinating all our children with it?  That makes no sense whatsoever.

I don’t know what news cavemen Republicans are reading or watching these days but the main conservative news outlets are shedding audience like a dog shaking off water, including yes, Faux News.

Nah, still just a pedo.

“Every person in the United States has the right to live in their home free from the threat of violence based on race,”

Could have been his favorite noose-hanging tree?

TikTok teens did place all those fake orders for Trump rally tickets that made him look stupid, so there’s that.