
The only reason not to use “they” is because you are a bigoted prick.

Ok, first: Gabriel was a messenger angel, not a war angel. Still an archangel in their own right but never one sent to inflict violence.

I personally wouldn’t do it in public, but I sure as shit am not going to self-bleep myself during the 80+ times per song that the n-word is said. If you don’t want white people singing along with lyrics you don’t like, then don’t put those fucking lyrics in the song.

Thanks to you and the other folks for clearing that up for me. As you probably can tell, not a reader of the comics. Or at least by the time all this came about.

Right after his taxes.

Now playing

“at the right time”
Is that his version of his Dad’s “in the next 2 weeks?”

Well, Gloria Estefan *DID* warn us. The rhythm really did get us.

In other news, drug dealers want the DEA to not be involved in their day to day affairs.

If they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear” from her investigation, so why they gotta be like that?  ;-)

“Blue lives splatter”
That’s beautiful. Thank you.

If a guy named Ludacris is complaining about the implausibility of a movie, you know it’s bad.

Where’s the violence? Did any of them get beaten with clubs or other weapons? Did anyone go to the hospital, or get killed? Did one drop of pure white blood get shed? Did any of them even lose their kid’s costume riot shields?

The “crowd” of less than a dozen people exposed them for the posers and cowards that they are.

They were just joking...

No one, but no one, can bring home an article like Michael Harriott. Every final sentence in a Harriott piece is like a Tyson right uppercut.

WOW. From our previous exchange, I’m disappointed. Either you’re wildly unfamiliar with how Curtis Jackson engages harmfully with Black women, particularly those who aren’t biracial/racially ambiguous or you don’t care. His interactions with bigoted White women is the diametric opposite. Finally, “you people”, was

They don’t want that committee because they know that 45 spurred those slack jawwed egg suckers to riot for no reason AND that a number of them were complicit in helping to organize, give them entrance to the Capitol and/or guide them to their colleagues to attack them violently. Those actions should warrant the

I don’t know if you need more cocaine or less, you screenwriting genius, but I’m on board for this.

Ripping-the-tags-off-of-mattresses purge

“And to those who sew discord, and knit brother against brother I say: It is easier to find a haystack than stick a needle in a camel’s eye.”