
Then please delete your obvious attempt to be funny comment on such a serious matter, and don’t comment.

Sooo much potential and raw talent, i see this man winning a Grammy in the near future. FART ON MAN!

HA! That's funny!


Yeah he had like 13 more so he most defiantly died a premature death. But then again the cloaked one comes no matter the time or age.


I agree


What in the hell is a damn tree hugging libtard doing here?!

You know we’re in the sign of the times when “fuck” is the go to word on base ball comments. Fuck our team is doing may.

He‘s just another keyboard tough guy.

All great tailbacks or wide receivers at best.

Exactly..seen this many years.

Well put counsel.

Oh I’m sure her mom’s would approve of that. 😒

It was weed at its very finest sir.

For God sakes don’t you listen to it..I’m for real girl DON’T DO IT!!

Now that’s some sh!t!

I wish the child many blessed years...on her own terms.

I see that happen a lot.