
My son has a peanut allergy and has to keep an epi-pen with him at all times. These are really expensive life preservers. The devices, most of the time, expire before they are ever needed, but you never want to be caught with out one. I am lucky and my insurance covers most of the cost, but that just means my HMO

Are you just going to keep us waiting for the story about the horse that finds its owner? I want to read it.

<wiping Bridget's coffee off my face> Given Ben’s nanny was in the private jet sporting Tom’s rings, is this quote really all that surprising?

Hey, Tom is a verified purebred and shows very well at Westminster every year.

So many thoughts:

And on top of that, you got shit like this: “and that copyright takedown requests, which require the copyright holder to file for each infraction, aren’t easy or far-reaching enough”

BINGO! My sentiments exactly. Every year the labels announce BILLIONS in profits, Pandora and the like announce 10's to 100's of MILLIONS paid out. PENNIES are reaching the artists and the labels are raking in the big bucks.

This. Most of the money you pay for music never even gets to the artist, the record label keeps it.

I almost feel like they are standing at the top of the mountain and want that chilling effect on the one’s below them. Fuck it, I am 100% sure.

My main issue with this is that this is not about paying artists what they’re worth (for which I am very much in favor). This is about changing the nature and purpose of rights laws to better support large corporations in the changing landscape of the internet.

The DMCA needs to be updated and changed, no doubt about it, but this is the wrong way to go about it. This would have a chilling effect on smaller artists and content creators on YouTube. Hank Green, half of the Vlogbrothers and musician, has been talking about this on his channel and his Twitter for awhile.

if given footage of people who shake hands or kiss in, say, central Africa, using what this thing has already taught itself based upon American video, this algorithm would fail miserably.

A Chinese import “dietary supplement”. What could go wrong?

It wouldn’t make any sense to design it that way. I mean, they didn’t tell it what a handshake or kiss are, it had to figure that out. If they fed it 600 hours of footage with no kisses, there’s no way it could predict a kiss because it doesn’t know what a kiss is. For them to have designed it in a way that favors

I mean, true, you can’t technically state that it can predict the behavior of all of humanity if they’ve never tested that, but assuming they didn’t design it that way I think it’s probably a fair assumption that it’ll be about just as good with the input of footage from other countries.

How hard is this? Very hard.

The important thing here has nothing to do with what footage they fed into it, it’s that they built a computer system that can take in contextless footage and predict outcomes. This is like getting mad at Microsoft for creating Excel because the demo spreadsheet was full of data on American companies.

No, what’s shitty is your inability to appreciate the hard work these students have done to teach an AI and only focus on the fact that they chose American television to teach it.

How long until this gets run through the program?

Amazing to think that a school based in America would be so xenophobic as to write an AI to learn behavior and start teaching it by using, of all things, American television. How dare they!