
So wait, they’re angry that unnecessary objectification and sexualization is being removed from their games, so they’re accusing one of the people who works on the games of... sexualizing and objectifying characters?

100% endorsed. I’m a Sanders supporter, but this is the correct answer. Electing Obama didn’t End Racism or anything like that, but it is proof that getting involved in the system can work. You can get elected and you can make a difference once you do.

Especially towards a woman of color.

One of the biggest knocks against her is she’s not a gifted politician and makes mistakes when talking to people off the cuff. She tries to make up for it through hard work, but she slips from time to time.

She’s a competent administrator and decent political negotiator (far different skill than business negotiation,

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

She does well with OLDER African Americans, ie the over 45 crowd. I assume many of the younger folks are voting Sanders but more older people are actually voting. If I can find a statistics based on average age of voters I’ll post it.

Ah man, we have got some serious facial expressions breaking containment at the end of this thing...

The establishment does an incredibly good job of organizing GOTV efforts in the black community. She is the establishment. She is also running against a crazy looking old white dude from Vermont...which on it’s surface is not appealing.

The Clintons made their entry into politics via courting black southerners...they know how to pander to them.

a) shes a household name, especially in the south where she and her husband are v popular

Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.

Texas, I’m guessing

Right? Where the hell are all the “If a brown kid takes the only recourse he has to protest disgustingly racist treatment in a way that even remotely affects the racists’ lives, that proves he’s a money-grubbing liar!”people coming from?

Take it from the salaries of all involved in criminalizing this young child’s curiosity and his skin color and name. Cops, teacher, principal and Mayor. And make it a line item ontheir check. The rest should be taken from the people of Texas unfortunately because perhaps that will get the urgency for change started by


Eisen... damn. Maybe it's the dreary morning, but I'll say this: may all of us have friends who mean so much to speak so poignantly after we depart.

In October 2009, I was a senior at UNC, writing for the Daily Tar Heel. I was covering a women's volleyball match right before Late Night with Roy, which Scott hosted. When the match was over, I was set to leave, and Scott came over and sat at the press table next to me. We chatted for about ten minutes (I knew his

1) The person who called the police in the first place said it was likely a toy.

No bible or chocolate milk. You should just watch the video. The kid did absolutely nothing wrong.

I've seen the video. I've heard the 911 call. The cops never saw his gun, real or no., when they pulled up on a kid sitting in the park. All of these things prove you just want it to be okay.