The M.C. Turing Test?
The M.C. Turing Test?
This is the United States of America. We just elected Donald J. Trump as our president. The term “slightest bit of street smarts” does not apply to very many of our citizens.
Well, I learned that you can spell “asstap” with Passat today. Wow, what a time to be alive!
Please turn in your jalopnik card and see yourself out.
Fuck off, you whiny scrublord.
i love when you get one of them hot taeks SO hot that you honestly can not tell if its pftcommenter style sarcasm or not
For the records I ONLY wash my Lambo with puppies that look just like that. There is no finer brush on gods green earth than puppy fur. Only the best for my lambo.
I remember when I first got my M3 and I thought people would notice. They didn’t.
That woman just killed someone.
And this is why you shouldn’t have a gun because you’re the type of person who would issue a threat to someone simply for disagreeing with you. Also from the safety of your keyboard.
Statistically, owning a gun greatly increases your odds of being injured or killed by one. Might make you feel like more of man, but I prefer the longer life span.
What about a W12-powered Phaeton? Yes, I know that strictly speaking it’s not a V12, not to mention it’d be pretty hard to find one.
That's an awful lot of cars to buy in a week.
I’m British.
By driving the Tundra he saved his dignity, you can’t put a price on that, Prius driver.