Don't drone me bro

In a vacuum: Someone made a typo, big deal, everyone’s human. Besides, this pales in comparison to everything else going on.

Trump is also really being stupid about the whole Putin-invitation-to-the-WH thing. If you need to see your Russian handler, you don’t tweet about it for the whole world to see, you just discretely move a flower pot on the WH balcony!

Under Obama, only 30% of white evangelicals said they would accept immoral personal behavior by an elected official.

Reagan could at least play a Conservative Christian.

I really do my level best not to judge people for their lifestyle choices. I’m a decade past arguing with jesus freaks and vegans and breeders and conservatives and crystal healing people and Eastern medicine people... I just end everything with “Oh, that’s interesting. I’ll have to look into that!  thanks!” But I

What a shocker the guy who cried about having to charge an extra ten cents a pizza for health care for his workers is a bucket of smashed assholes.

“It’s not fair! Colonel Sanders was always manhandling breasts and slobbering over thighs, and no one made him sign confidential settlements with the chicks involved.”

Bitter expedients. Bitter cretin. Papa John.

When white second amendment people send their folks over, they’re not sending their best. 

“headed for”

That toxic dust wasn’t from construction. It’s just a byproduct from his molting process.

Nah, you don’t get to say people don’t have to sell gay wedding cakes and turn around to bitch about this.  Fuck off, and your little hat too.

“We were not being obnoxious or pushy... now fire that driver and apologize. OH! And a statement. We want a - you know what, we want two statements.

The driver should have said he feared for his safety. It works for bigots who call the cops on black people for no reason.

Back in my day, that was porn!

Maybe, but that also ignores the reality that there are more options for entertainment today, and cutting through the noise is more impressive. I mean if we’re going to give Gone With The Wind the credit their fans insist upon, we also have to acknowledge that it was either buying a ticket to that or going down to the

It’s projecting. Accuse your opponents of what you’re doing. Their supporters don’t care if they’re being told the truth or not, so you can’t look to them as engaging in any sort of good faith debate.


Dirty water hot dog-tini: