
I just hate the fact that "I Robot" ended up being the adaptation of the novel. After all of the derivation, it really should've just changed the name and been it's own standalone action-robot movie starring Will Smith and not likely losing any box office revenue. It's like my feeling about Halloween III- it's

South Park Did It

Can someone in Hollywood please make sure that Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich don't get their hands on Seveneves?

Technically not even Santa…some drunk fan named Frank in a suit acting the fool… 50 years ago.
But that's what happens when some doorknob commenter thinks they once heard something about something somewhere and wanted to make a funny…

Or, when confronted with Maus/Watchmen/Persepolis and others, they counter with "…well THOSE are Graphic Novels"

Well, Maus won a Pulitzer Prize in 1992 and colleges have been teaching Watchmen for decades, so… y'know, valid artistic medium and all that.

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

I…don't think you're wrong. Given that your average Walking Dead fan probably spends their idle minutes on their commute on the train looking out their window at the various buildings, fields, fenced-in-enclosures and thinking of how they might hold-up against the various scenarios of zombies and rival groups already

And then there's the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, who put the same exact song on different albums, though each was titled just differently enough…Drunks and Children aka Drugs and Kittens aka Drums and Chickens aka Dogs and Chaplains aka Doves and Civilians. Granted, one was a live-album, but talk about an easy way to get

Why would you steal that line from Fat Jew?

Ah yes, just like the girl in Jurassic Park "knows computers" and could totally hack into the system because "it was UNIX"? Works for me.

Wait, Ezra actually went to Thailand? My wife watches this show and I only half-watch it and I must've missed this. No freaking way. Did they show him driving away listening to Rock and Roll Part 2 by Gary Glitter?

I always wondered how anyone had the financial resources to pull this entire operation off.

Especially reckless since it was presented as a positive, and basically glorified and promoted in commercials and social media with hashtags every week. After that revelation that he'd been following the girls and using them for his research, go back to that first episode meet-cute and it takes on a disturbing new

It was pretty clear to me from the first episode who the villain in this show was but it seems that the show and the fans didn't see a problem with the creepy teacher repeatedly hooking up with his underage student. Not even after later episodes revealed that he knew who the girl was and her age at the time of their

Along those lines, My teenaged self had the exact same surprise and then a lot of anticipation followed by frustrated disappointment near the end when I realized that the skinny-dipping scene was not similarly edited.

I remember back in 8th grade I discovered Big Audio Dynamite II and would tell my friends that I loved that song "Rush".

Plenty of gripes to be had with The Stand mini-series- one of the most frustrating I seem to recall as I watched at the time was that, at every commercial break, for some reason, they chose to show a tiny yet massively-spoiling preview of the very next segment. Utterly baffling. Maybe I'm wrong- was it just between

Same here. My parents/aunts/uncles liked to have parties where they shuffled us kids into the basement to hang out and play & otherwise stay out of their way. Vividly remember one party at my aunt's where they sat us down and popped in a VHS of some cartoon about cute little bunnies or something and closed the

They're in charge of protecting the integrity of the nation's currency- maybe there was a counterfeiting ring going on in the Badlands or something.