
Good old Majic 102. Yeah, we're Talking Proud!

I think I stopped reading some political blogger when he wrote a critical post claiming that Jawbreaker's "Ache" was plagiarized from Husker Du's "Hardly Getting Over it". Both great songs, to be sure, but that fucker must've torn a rotator cuff reaching that far.

Well. they were my first ever concert: age of 14, back in 1992 at a dive in Buffalo NY called The Scrapyard, so I will always cut them a break. As those concerts got larger and the more meat-headed it became harder to deal with, so I'll blame the fans. And I'll never fault a band for taking a paycheck or getting more

Okay, which one of you is Ryan from the second floor from my dorm back in 1995?

I looked it up, and history actually supported that result- the Chiefs blew out the Bills 33-6, giving them their first loss after a 5-0 start.

Super Tecmo Bowl. Being from Buffalo, I always played the Bills, and no matter how amazing I started the first 5 weeks of the 1991 season, accumulating ridiculous statistics by #12 (Jim Kelly famously was not part of the game due to what I believe was an NFLPA dispute), Thurman and Andre Reed, Week #6 against the

Wait, you saying Donaldson got all rapey again after Thomas Covenant?

Only an award? The last doctor that publicly denounced the President over here got bumped to the top of the candidates list for nomination by the opposition party, pretty much based solely on the fact that said denunciation happened. As comedian who I cannot recall put it: that's like the Yankees pulling some fan out

Walking Dixie: The Rise of Cooter.

Fireball! Fireball! Fireball!
…did I just make a 30-year old Revenge of the Nerds reference?

And as the one dude admitted, the photos/bag getting left behind and found were his fault.

Actually it's just 15 1/2 hour-long episodes of Jeffrey Dean Morgan swinging a bat and checking his swing at the last second.

Did anyone else feel that the shot of Jessie's holstering of her gun right before they went outside was a little too lingering and Chekovian? I was expecting Ron to be right next to her after that, at some point making an impulsive grab for the gun, but something similar could still happen with Sam being right there,

Didn't read the comic, but does anyone fuck with the Jesus?

It was a survivor named Frank from a gang in Philadelphia, making his way back to the Jersey Shore for his remaining Rum Ham

It's it.

I imagine he probably realized then (if not before) that he partnered with the lesser brother.

I like to think that I will one day tell my grandchildren that I used to read the Time Life Books while listening to Freedom Rock.

Plot twist: Rodman IS the alien!

+1 for Ryan Reynolds with a bowl-cut