
I just finished Seveneves by Neal Stephenson last week which had a not-entirely-similar set of circumstances play out, but close enough that I find myself comparing how much better his novel is in terms of offering a viable and believable explanation for each event. Being somewhat genre-savvy, the questions raised

Trick Question: Lemmy IS the mole!

One of the most remarkable things about Tyson is his love of pigeons. I watched an interview with him on the rooftop with his birds and it was touching seeing a measure of peace come over him while interacting with them. So what? According to an interview in Details, his first fight was with a bigger youth who had

I loved the fact that Charlie apparantely discovered Cottage Cheese for the first time in the opener, but that's probably because I think they got the idea from a Tweet I sent back in October.

I can't not read that word without thinking of Frank Reynolds' pronunciation: "Hooooooooersss!"

Weren't those two guys were in UHF as possible replacements for Stanley Spadowski when he got kidnapped during the Save Our Station telethon?

Don't forget that the doctor said "stress" as well as "anger" in there as triggers for the aneurysm. Sure Daphne is mad and blames the "anger" on Regina and the fight immediately preceding his leaving. But she just learned of his financial difficulties and the stress that caused, imagine what happens when she hears

Them vampires tried to eat me! But I ate 'em first!

That's a favorite of mine as well because it was maybe a good 10-15 years ago where I was back in my hometown for some extended weekend or another and was out at the local hole-in-the-wall where my high school's alumni always tend to congregate, and I ran into a guy I graduated with who was always known as Andy who

wait, Varys is leaving with Tyrion??

Thank you.

Shouldn't the baby have been named Baelfyre? I think that would've been more accurate, and certainly more fairy-tail-ish. I had to look up the exact TV Trope, but we've got the Bob for Aerith & Bob…

I could've sworn I saw the Princess from P&F in the background at the ball…

I know it's a few years old but I had only just become aware of the Machete Order rationale 2-3 months ago when it made the rounds on Facebook. I wonder if the writers have some mutual/second-level friends of mine.

Maybe I'm a little off in my recollection of the source material, but wasn't the "Mother" personality the murderer? That led me to think that the murder flashback should've played out a little differently- I was expecting "Norma" to disapprove of Miss Watson, and mock Norman, telling him to kill her, but I was waiting

"See Daniel, if you want to actually kill someone, you don't drunkenly shoot at them on a boat, a real Grayson shoves them into a propeller blade all Indiana-Jones like"

I was actually expecting Emily to look over at Nolan with a smile and an inquiring eyebrow raised and for him to respond: "What? I didn't have to do anything- that app is just really, really stupid."

It's not really denial when they've basically rendered death as totally reversible depending on whatever arbitrary magic spell they feel like inventing each week. I didn't really research whether the actor wanted to move on to different things or just leave the show entirely, but if his next project doesn't work out

They're so fond of character mashups (ex, Rumple= the Beast), using that Robin Hood canon would let them transition into the Jungle Book realm for next season with Little John/Baloo

You misspelled BRIAN BLESSED