
You mean Katanga, a.k.a. Kingsley Shacklebolt? He could've Wingardium Leviosa'd that Ark easily.

Oh no doubt.. If Indy tried to lob it towards the group, I could see God manifesting a Dikembe Mutumbo out of thin air to swat it away and wag his finger.

There would be no horror movies if every protagonist simply followed Eddie Murphy's advice upon entering the haunted house:

Indy could've easily sent everyone out the door of the Temple while he stayed back with the Grail with a rope tied around his waist. He could've then thrown it to them or maybe gotten a good running start and sprinted for it. If he trips or stumbles when the cave in starts… rope. 

Wasn't Garfield created by Davis solely for the purpose of merchandising? I'm not complaining, since without Garfield, Berkely Breathed would've never created Bill the Cat in protest.

I seem to recall she mentioned he was a really great and charismatic speaker and something something something everybody went along with what Conrad told him to say about David Clarke as result? I don't really recall much more than that.

"…Not on par with Broadway Bro Down"? Wait- I thought Broadway Bro Down was terrible- I guess I might like this one?

About the only thing my wife and I talked about was what the "lesser" version of each option would've been. We were thinking that frozen shrimp and Spam awaited.

I wonder if, when he watches Snatch and gets to the scenes with Brick Top and his pigs, and how they eat people, I'm guessing it turns pretty intense with Graham staring at the TV defiantly, shaking his head, being like, "Nuh-uh. No way…"

Well since we're told these are the greatest home-cooking MasterChefs in the WORLD, it's entirely plausible that they're just better than you at sausage-making. I'm going to go eat a beautiful, beautiful, Walmart steak now.

Something something Michael Moorcock? I never actually listened to Hawkwind, so I don't know if he/they or their collaboration applies to this article, but dude crossed genres, so just tossing it out there.

You mention one of my favorite issues with this movie: that solemn "your weakness is water moment. I believe the way the movie presented his problem with water wasn't so much water itself as it is, y'know, drowning in it. That'd basically be like saying "your weakness is not-breathing."  I guess his weakness was also

I remember being underwhelmed by this movie and then several friends/family were genuinely surprised because I was one of the few people they knew who "liked that whole comic book thing" so they naturally assumed I'd love it…A lot of those same people now watch Game of Thrones and that bitter-nerd part of me is still

The book was standard King: Small-town w/folksy people who talk in ways that sounds phony when depicted on screen. Nice amount of build-up and supernatural stuff that ultimately fizzles out in an anticlimactic fashion.

Yup- that was what my wife and I were wondering. Dylan's reaction to learning that Norman was with her and his interaction with her was both very noticable and yet unreadable. There's several ways it can go and I'm kinda glad they didn't take an easy way out by having Norman see Dylan with her.

Another episode without Ruby? Disappointing.

Geology.Greg loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. An ice age here, million years of mountain building there. Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes really, pressure, and time.

Wasn't there a big emphasis on how she scanned it for viruses? I bet Norton totally loses her business after that…

The initial conversation where Jim brought up the idea of Athlead to Pam would be a very interesting conversation to see & likely a very determining factor in how people assess the situation that resulted. Which is probably while we'll never see it. The manner in which Jim approached her with the idea

It's sad because you just know that they were trying to make him into a likable hero in Season 7-8, but it was baffling how they thought they would make that happen when he was such an awful person. I don't know how they thought anyone could think that his truly awful and loathesome way of dumping his ex would gain in