
Those are all bus stations. Bieber runs a bus company.

Yup. "…Your honor, I call Oscar Martinez to the stand… "  Game over.

I would imagine that they're probably hired by pro athletes to handle the marketing and branding aspects of that athlete's life. Sportswear/gear endorsements come to mind, but also think of the other local endorsments: auto dealerships, local stores/restaurants, insurance agencies. Also thinking of setting up paid

There's probably a correlation to whatever top she happens to be wearing at a particular time.

Michael's self-produced commercial for Dunder-Mifflin showed the importance and impact a single piece of paper can have.

It makes me wanna ROAR!

Yes… yes it would've. Allow me to picture South Park's pissed-off angry Mickey Mouse getting involved in there as well… oh yeah.

Glad you pointed this out. As someone who wouldn't know what the heck was going on, it just seemed really off..

Seriously, I'll make the hour and a half drive to represent her- it'd be a pretty easy with her co-worker/friend providing testimony of infidelity.

Yeah, the cab was weird since it's about 2.5-3 hours from Scranton to Center City, if that's where his apartment is. Between fare and tolls, that's really not worth it. I'm guessing it was to take him to the station to catch a bus down 476?

I've seen the occasional scam job-posting online, but that doesn't seem to be the case here as this is a company of their own creation. Just because a particular job title is used to mislead applicants doesn't mean that sports marketing doesn't exist. If it's a scam, then numerous reputable and distinguished

One of my best friends recently broke up with his fiancee. We were all happy- she was terrible. But one of her big ideas was to have a Star Wars themed restaurant or something because she thought "Wookie Cookies" sounded awesome. She was serious. Like, went on for a good half-hour about it on several occasions-level

Man, that whole ongoing DeNiro v. Pacino debate is really starting to go off the rails in recent years, ain't it?

I actually watched the MST3K episode of it first, then some time later I saw The Island and could not figure out why it was so familiar…

It should be mentioned. Because it happened.

It's interesting you call The Island a 70s-esque sci-fi flick… that's exactly what it copied when it blatantly ripped off the 1979 sci-fi flick Parts: The Clonus Horror.

Maybe The Wolfpack runs into the Very Bad Things crew, and Christian Slater is all like, "Oh, you guys think you're wild? That's so cuuuute…" before stabbing a corkscrew into Bradley Coopers head.

My friend has a great story about watching Freddie Mitchell hit on girls at a bar and having to resort to the "Don't you know who I am?!?" line… it failed miserably because nobody had the slightest clue. It was at least 3 or 4 years after that 4th and 24 catch in the NFC Championship game where he called himself a

That's what I was wondering- especially since we had that little series of flashbacks by Regina where she watched everyone go through their Groundhog Day-like routines. At what point was she like, "hey, I need to sedate and commit this poolhall floozy"?

Not enough Red Riding Hood/Ruby…but then, I say that every episode.