
I agree- I mentioned elsewhere about the recent episode where Jace and the boys venture into the unchartered wilderness of… a coffee shop! I wonder how many takes they had to do of the customer ahead of them ordering an overly complicated decaf-raspberry soy espresso and making sure they got everyone's baffled stares

I lost my AV Club User Handbook, but it's common knowledge on here that Larry the Cable Guy is a phony redneck character played by an otherwise lame comedian named Daniel Whitney, right? I don't need to dig up the YouTube do I?

There are PLENTY of photos out there from the past few years that show that the beards/hair is a fairly recent development.

After seeing the Truck-Full O'Daughters show up again in last week's episode of The Office, I may have to say yes.

My family likes this show, so I've seen a good amount. And it's a shame, because like any other phony-reality show, DD has embraced the caricatures as they've gotten more popular. Watching first-season episodes of Storage Wars/Shipping Wars, they actually seemed to be documentary/reality-style, but as stars have

I could see that… but am I crazy thinking that they would totally be tracking down an evil cabal of file-sharers and indie-bands who release their songs for free and who are looking to undermine and destroy the good, wholesome record-labels who have done nothing wrong except bring us the lovely songs we've held so

Not yet, but I'm slowly making my way through all of the MST3K episodes as they go up and down off of Netflix Instant.

I will never get tired of seeing the cameraman lean out from behind the camera and just stare at Randy…

"Just when we thought we could ignore those things and move on, these gosh-darned accidental racists just keep pulling us back in!"

On a totally unrelated subject, did anyone happen to catch Rand Paul's appearance at Howard University where he totally dropped some black history knowledge on his audience?

Speaks? This baby is gonna be all musical- I hear that musicals are totally huge now. The kids'll LOVE it!

Onyx, Biohazard, Anthrax and Public Enemy would like to have a word with you.

This has Buddy-Cop movie franchise written all over it.

Has anyone pointed out that Brad Paisley is from West Virginia? You know, the one that wasn't in the Confederacy?

And then they got back to studying for that Psych 101 midterm tomorrow morning, but they're totally gonna finalize ot all over lunch in the dining hall afterwards…

Well, the characters were also several months behind Lip-Dubs and Parkour (never mind Michael being years removed from Wazzup? in the pilot), so I suppose you could chalk it up to a running theme of them just being a little behind in general due to the small town?

Given what we've seen of Bob and Phyllis' love life, in public, no less, one would think that she either wouldn't require 50-Shades escapism, or, that she would find it far too tame…

As bad as things have been since Michael left, one of my favorite eras was the very brief time that Creed was put in charge. That montage was amazing and I honestly could watch several episodes of various Creed-as-boss clips.

The issues with the documentary crew aside, I did find it hilarious that every clip of Angela in the promos was less-than-flattering. For someone who tried to assert this proper upstanding judgmental demeanor from the beginning to be reduced to the "3:30 girl" with all of her hypocritical behavior on display, was

I think they also showed that maybe professional athletes aren't really all they're cracked up to be? Most everyone and most fans know this to some extent- that pro atheletes aren't role models per se, but it can still be surprising and disappointing when you see first-hand that one of the players you follow so