
Hey now, he went 1-4 last night, finally getting his first hit of the season! If telling him we'll get him Darth Vader gets us a hit every night, then that's what we gotta do!

That's close to what I thought- she realized that they filmed Brian's recent moments with her and that Jim would find out. Not sure what her reaction would've been- panicked or maybe run off and tell Jim- but it probably didn't help she was having a beer with him on his porch in the afternoon.

Definitely back to original Andy with his "I am FREEEAKING OUT!"- between that and Stanley's pretzel, and, naturally, all of thre greatest hits playing out in the documentary I think we're going to be getting a massive amount of callbacks over the last episodes- probably a mix of nostalgic fan-service or a return to

For Florida Stanley, EVERY day is Pretzel Day.

So this is the Extended-Edition with all the deleted scenes included?

Okay, I don't watch the show, but after seeing six nominations up there, I have to ask: is all of the acting on Modern Family REALLY that good?!? I mean, seriously, SIX acting nominations?!?! How is that even remotely possible?

Okay, I don't watch the show, but after seeing six nominations up there, I have to ask: is all of the acting on Modern Family REALLY that good?!? I mean, seriously, SIX acting nominations?!?! How is that even remotely possible?

I have a copy of it that's waiting to be read that I picked up last year. I like to think of it as a first step.

I have a copy of it that's waiting to be read that I picked up last year. I like to think of it as a first step.

As a follow up, my mother was a teacher at the school at that time and later that night, I was terrified and I told her what happened. I cant recall exactly, but I seem to remember her getting very pissed off, mentioning that the substitute was a former nun, and after that, she never subbed for us again. I also

As a follow up, my mother was a teacher at the school at that time and later that night, I was terrified and I told her what happened. I cant recall exactly, but I seem to remember her getting very pissed off, mentioning that the substitute was a former nun, and after that, she never subbed for us again. I also

I was too afraid to read Watership Down. I mustve been around 6 or 7 when, while
at a family party, the adults stuck the kids in the basement and popped a movie into tbe VCR to keep us occupied. I guess whoever was in charge of picking the movie just went to the rental place, saw some cartoon bunnies on the cover and

I was too afraid to read Watership Down. I mustve been around 6 or 7 when, while
at a family party, the adults stuck the kids in the basement and popped a movie into tbe VCR to keep us occupied. I guess whoever was in charge of picking the movie just went to the rental place, saw some cartoon bunnies on the cover and

We read The Witches in 4th grade, but things flew off the rails a bit when a substitute teacher came in who happened to be a mentally disturbed fundamentalist christian who hijacked most of the day talking about how we really shouldnt be reading The Witches because witches are real and will do bad things to you, and

We read The Witches in 4th grade, but things flew off the rails a bit when a substitute teacher came in who happened to be a mentally disturbed fundamentalist christian who hijacked most of the day talking about how we really shouldnt be reading The Witches because witches are real and will do bad things to you, and

I would note that, given it was a French guy who helped a Russian kidnap his daughter to become a sex slave for some Arab/Muslim/whatever, that this was particularly aimed at neutered Republican fathers…

I would note that, given it was a French guy who helped a Russian kidnap his daughter to become a sex slave for some Arab/Muslim/whatever, that this was particularly aimed at neutered Republican fathers…

Wait, where does Istanbul fall on the list of Things that Middle Aged Neutered Republican men hate?

Wait, where does Istanbul fall on the list of Things that Middle Aged Neutered Republican men hate?

More Steve Kanaly!