
More Steve Kanaly!

Ryan reminds me of a guy I knew in undergrad who was just very socially awkward and yet completely egotistical. A few episodes ago he was on the chopping block and couldnt shut up about how bad the other person was and his sexism and total lack of self-awareness makes me wonder if there's a social disorder involved.

Ryan reminds me of a guy I knew in undergrad who was just very socially awkward and yet completely egotistical. A few episodes ago he was on the chopping block and couldnt shut up about how bad the other person was and his sexism and total lack of self-awareness makes me wonder if there's a social disorder involved.

I see your point but I never suggested anything to that effect. I'm just recognizing what on its face appears to be a really creepy situation. I guess I could expect the main character to be unaware of it and not react in more realistic way, i.e., slowly backing away, but building a storyline
off if it under that

I see your point but I never suggested anything to that effect. I'm just recognizing what on its face appears to be a really creepy situation. I guess I could expect the main character to be unaware of it and not react in more realistic way, i.e., slowly backing away, but building a storyline
off if it under that



Funny as in, "odd". This show is just missing the mark with us completely.

Funny as in, "odd". This show is just missing the mark with us completely.

An A-? Funny, because my wife decided to quit this show by the end of this episode. I quit after the first.

An A-? Funny, because my wife decided to quit this show by the end of this episode. I quit after the first.