
are we still pretending that we didnt all already know that he would not stay dead

I’m not on the dole, you can keep your snark to yourself. Are you American? Americans always seem judgy about benefits.

Wow. You should run on the republican ticket. Lord forbid we have a social safety net without trying to make the less fortunate feel like shit. Bootstraps y’know.

this is the correct answer.

I’d have been in an ambulance on blue lights. If you think London drivers won’t get out of the way of an ambulance on blue lights, you’re even more cynical about London than me (and I’m not a native Londoner; I have my reservations about it…). It’s five minutes with my husband driving our car - two in an ambulance in

i didn’t know i wanted this OTP until this very moment

I would love that!! In my head though, Ramsay finds and confronts a very serene Sansa and he tells her how much he’s going to make her suffer for what she’s done. And then he menacingly says something like, “You’re coming home with your husband now, my lady,” and Sansa’s just like “Husband? I have no husband. I’m a

Hmm I think #BastardBowl2016 is a real thing. Lord Stark is going to kill Lord Bolton! Sweet sweet revenge.

TRUE. And Brienne and Pod can hold him down. Fucking die Ramsay. I’ve never met so many truly horrific characters until GoT, but they are covering the full spectrum of repulsiveness.

i am so excited for the battle for the north i can barely contain myself

So much stuff!

It’s entertainment...if it entertains then it’s done it’s job.

So, all the dudes who were openly pissing about it being an all-female reboot just suddenly disappeared and only real film critics are voting it down now. Riiiiight.

So you think building a bot to artificially inflate dislikes on a movie trailer that happens to be an all-female remake of a film is normal behavior?

It is getting my gorram money, you haters.

it’s like, imagine an enlightened society, with all that energy aimed for good, solving problems, etc.

(a clear example of what a socially disconnected, internet overdosed society trends towards.)

Please post link with evidence. Thanks.

If the quality of the trailer were a significant factor in the number of dislikes, you would expect it to be getting a dislike to view ratio that’s on par with other shitty trailers, even if sexists outnumbered quality-based dislikes two-to-one, we shouldn’t be seeing the numbers we’re seeing, the sexists seem to be

I don’t care that people don’t like the trailer. Or don’t want to see the movie because they don’t like it’s been rebooted (I’m assuming they also boycott Batman and Superman movies, but I doubt it), but it’s so very telling they have to also broadcast how much they hate it AND down vote it everywhere. How many