Which grantlander posted dick pics / sex tapes?
Which grantlander posted dick pics / sex tapes?
And Barnwell. Reading ESPN comments after a Barnwell article is tragedy at its finest.
site doesn’t seem to be live yet... or is it just my browser that can’t access www.whinybitch.com?
Right? If we are explicitly being told to vote for her because she’s a woman, I think it’s fair for someone to point out that just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she’d be a great President.
He did not. Read the whole quote.
Uh, he didn't decide to do it. The coach did.
There is actually a pretty big difference between hitting a guy in the shoulder and hitting a guy in the head. Also, what injury does Farnham have?
He was not injured, he flopped and sold it, it was shoulder to shoulder. It's Bobby Farnham, who is also a total shit head. Gudas is dumb, the call was wrong (head contact), they still could have given him a match for intent to injure I guess but this game was a circus all around.
So, a few things here:
He’s not saying it’s not a dirty hit. Just saying that it was not shoulder to head as the referees, announcers, Barry, etc. saw it.
Simmonds didn’t get a call? He got a match penalty. You must be referring to an additional suspension...
I really don’t think it is unfair to paint lightly with a broad brush. The public, including the players, are more educated on the long-term risks of even so-called “mild” brain trauma (sounds stupid to write). Sure, the science is far from settled, but one thing is clear — bashing your body around violently for a…
I was at Morehouse last night and heard the speech. The reaction to the word uterus is really ridiculous. Killer Mike’s speech was amazing, just like his other introduction of Sanders when he was in Atlanta on November 23. Focusing on it reduces and confuses the point.
Oh God, all I see is a bunch of little bitch boys who’ve never played the game crying over a late shoulder to chest hit. The same group that probably claims the Devils didn't dive all night and that a slash can make someone flop like a fish (I assure you, it can't. With that reaction, you'd think he was impailed.).…
Deadspin’s hockey coverage is a joke... why don’t you get some staffers in there that actually know the game.