Because it’s no longer acceptable to lovingly embalm your dead and keep them secretly entombed in your home, a new…
Because it’s no longer acceptable to lovingly embalm your dead and keep them secretly entombed in your home, a new…
Let’s not forget that gay people should be legally prevented from getting married because it is such a sacred institution.
Somebody please let people know that Bisexuality exists. As does Pansexual and a whole slew of sexualities that include same-sex relations. Really. I promise.
Foam panty party WOOO.
I’m more afraid of jellies than sharks tbh.
Ugh, Evie Havok is moronic and just wants to fight. Dismiss!
Granddad is not referring to all white people though. There’s this idea, especially in white feminist circles, that white men are the absolute worst. The fact is that their female counterparts can be just as bad, and Rachel is not one of them. When you’re more concerned with semantics than social justice, you are…
If she’s Hispanic and someone says something hurtful to her about all Hispanics then it IS directed at her, the racists just felt safe to talk to her bc she passes for white. It’s unfair to dismiss someone else’s experience because it doesn’t line up with yours.
around here,a good amount of white women think that only white men are the problem when it comes to oppression and racism. why? bc sexism.
Evie Havok is a troll. She’s been doing this for a looooooong time and people always take the bait.
Are you fucking kidding me?! If I had a dollar for every time somebody made a derogatory racial comment, realized they were with me, and said, “I didn’t mean you. You’re different”, Bill Gates would be looking up at me on the Forbes leaderboard. And it hurt. Every.Fucking.Time.
WTF? Yes, hearing people saying hateful shit about people you love, constantly having to decide whether to reveal yourself to be one of the people they just indicated are less than human, that’s just a stroll in the park. Yeesh. Sure, it’s a slightly different flavor of horrible, but it’s still horrible. I have to…
Imagine for a moment that you’re gay, but the guy stood next to you doesn’t know that, and he says something horrible about that gay guy over there. Different minority group, but the same principle.
Just because the bigot didn’t meant to offend you doesn’t make it hurt any less.
There’s a photo of their wedding day where she’s all blonde and surrounded by her uber white midwestern looking family. He knew. He totally knew.
WHOA. Holly never signed a NDA? I know this is not my best moment, but......
Was she a tough child to raise, mom Igloo?
Melissa McCarthy’s new comedy Spy earned $30 million at the box office this weekend, winning the proverbial race.…