Don't care

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

And this is the shit I’m talking about. It’s not what I meant but I guess it doesn’t matter. It never matters when it comes to her. Everything about her is taken as a threat of some kind. No one can say anything negative lest they are turned into women hating animals. Feel free to do it too. You wouldn’t be the first

I tend to ignore her myself. I wouldn’t have even brought it up if my stalker friend wouldn’t have.

The enemy of your enemy is your enemy’s enemy. No more and no less. You can disagree with someone without agreeing with the group of people harassing him or her.

Now I feel like “At least America’s not alone” re: the shittiness of The Briefcase.

Why can’t we support neither Duggar nor Dunham's actions?

I teared up and cried a bit. My husband, however, ugly-sobbed his way through it. It was amazing.

I’m surprised she didn’t need more wine to get through that conversation...

Totally thought the same thing. Also thought the writer’s exaggerated claim of fearing for their life because Jackson...looked at them? Smelled racist as hell to me.

You’ll have to file an appeal.

But seriously, there is no way in hell that Nicki would give two shits about Tyga to go that far and fuck with him in a video. She’s way too busy being a bad ass awesome lady for that shit.

I mean, the Nicki one is not shade, but the fact that Tyga feels some kinda way about it is one helluva self-drag, tbh. Just tellin’ on himself in the worst way. How unfortunate.

At this point, I should be used to seeing backlash against Emma Sulkowicz, but I still wasn’t fully prepared for

Drugs are fun, and I’m taking a wild leap here, you are not.

sometimes we need them girl, you can have one of my prescribed Xanax

Well, you have shamed people. Simmer in that for a while.

someone who looks like me is on the cover of People magazine as a supermodel, i got the feels, personally :)

I just went to check out her Instagram and all the good vibes from her badass attitude and stunning pictures were immediately ruined by the utterly horrifying comments people left. I cannot imagine what possesses someone to say such hateful things to a HUMAN BEING. Like, I wouldn’t say some of this shit to my worst

I love all the fake concern that inevitably accompanies these stories, on here and every other forum that posts them. “Good for her, but she doesn’t look healthy” blah, blah, blah. Aside from the fact that her health is her choice, her business, and is probably just fine, it has nothing to do with her job as a model.

John Waters is really nice! He's so polite and lovely!