Don't care

Well this is a very silly article. I don’t mean that in a pleasant way. More like, what is the point? I can see only one thing about this whole thing worth talking about and I can’t believe the woman writing about this on a feminist* website said literally nothing about the obvious sexism in both the article and the


Dude, go take down that damn two-way mirror in your life so you can stop commenting like an enormous dipshit. Your sensibilities reflect like an uncovered pervert’s ass.

Apparently you and I live in fucking bizarro land because the reporter from this site is the one who is the arse and you and I can’t see it. What is wrong with us?

except... She didn't make the story about anything. She just called and let him blather...

yes, the reporter sounds like an ass, not the coked out perv bar owner with a 2-way mirror in the ladies washroom for peeping. lol

He rambled the whole time. I just listened, and typed.

Not long ago I saw a woman with a disabled placard who had to get out of her car to move a cart out of the the handicapped space she was trying to pull into. Fortunately, I got to it before she’d gotten her crutches all the way out. She said it was not the first time it had happened.

No one here is being dick to you or bullying you. You’re making a rude choice because you feel entitled too as if you’re the only young mother out there. It’s a shitty thing to do and it’s a bad habit that would take 10 seconds out of your day to correct. If you don’t want to do that, then own it rather than playing

How about you try a little harder and put the cart back?

That’s a pretty major logic fail, seeing as how I’m advocating for leaving the child in the car for thirty fucking seconds.

I take both of my daughters (3 and 1) shopping every weekend alone. We do the Target, CostCo, Kroger loop. Maybe another Kroger if I need to find something I couldn’t at the other, and occasionally a Walmart thrown in or Home Depot/Lowes, and I always return the cart before putting the kids away. Of course, I always

You can't crack open a window and lock her in the car for the 30 seconds it would take you to return the cart? I dunno, having a kid often seems like such a great excuse to be selfish and inconsiderate.

Dude, you are an asshole. Moms everywhere have figured this out. You put the groceries in the car. Then you take kid and cart back to cart corral. Then you pick the kid up and walk back to the car. Signed - a mom.

It gets easier. I just always park as close to the shopping cart receptacle as possible and leave for a second to return. My husband was a parking lot attendant at a Wal-Mart in his teens and thus I will never, ever leave a shopping cart unattended.

Doesn’t make you any less of an asshole.

You can either take her with you or leave her in the car for 5 seconds. When my daughter was a baby I carried her with me, now that she’s a toddler she waits in the car. Don’t be that person.

People are so effing lazy. It’s like those assholes that leave their shopping cart in the lot because they can’t be bothered to walk 5 fucking feet to put it back properly. Geezus! This poor kid.

Why ask why when you really just want to pat yourself on the back and pretend like every woman's body is the same?