Don't care

I know you think the idea is funny, but I bet the owners are going to make hella bank.

The wedding-industrial complex is the worst. I don't think I've been made to feel more insecure since middle school. My sister (plus two niece-flower girls) was the entirety of my bridal party, and that was a genius move. I had to fight (or feel like I was fighting) people every step of the way, about stuff that

And seriously, I could not agree more that the amount people are expecting bridesmaids to spend is just getting beyond out of control. I would never expect anyone to commit to spending a ton of money they didn't have on something they didn't want to spend it on. I've been a bridesmaid 4 times, and only once have I had

It's generally covered in the U.K., I'm told. It's not a tradition here, but I think it should be.

I love you too! It had his uniform and everything in it. He did me dirty, though. Really dirty.

I am not a particularly vengeful human I don't think, but one of my earliest memories is a revenge memory from preschool. My best friend was another girl in my class who was African American. I'm white, and this other little white girl named Heather (real name...I have forever sworn off naming my children Heather)

Husband was a medical student doing an ER round. Like most young men, he had had a few run ins with cops and traffic tickets.

This story happened 10 years ago. I believe I am a better person now but I really love this story where commitment was added to the REVENGE...

I worked in the kitchen at a huge restaurant in high school. 300 people worked there in the off season, 500 during the summer. Most were my age (high school) or in their early 20's.

Not my story, one of my friends growing up. We were going to the movies and just as we were getting out of the car, a car full of drunk Dudebros pull up behind us. They immediately start doing really loud obscene catcalls and stuff. We ran into the women's restroom to get away from them.

I was a nurse for ten years, and never hurt someone extra because I didn't like them. That's so fucking not okay. It's not like she wronged you, hurt you, stole from you, or anything. She was just a bit off. Totally unprofessional.

Oh you people are WEAK! "I don't want to hear about the time you were taking your sweet time helping a rude customer who was in a hurry." WEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAK!

Living well is the best revenge.

I used to be married to this real turd of a guy. I was the numbnuts who married the first guy I had a serious relationship with directly after college. Cut to four years later, I'm 9 months pregnant with my second kid and I find out he's boning some rando he met at the bar where he was working at as a bouncer (The

Sometimes you don't have to exact revenge. The universe will do it for you.

Um. Thatz not okay.

Overnight camp, 13 years old. I've recently gotten my first period, but haven't yet figured out those pesky tampons. My resourceful mother fills an empty expensive hair product container with lube so that I don't have to be embarrassed by a giant tub of KY in the bathroom next to my brand new tampons.

If you put an obscene amount of cheese on my sandwich, I'd probably assume you wanted to be BFFs for life.

more of a list then a story.

I had the worst ex-roommate who found me in a vulnerable state having just left an abusive boyfriend and totally took advantage of me to the point that at one time I was babysitting her toddler 2 nights a week and she wouldn't come home until the next morning, all while I was paying more than my half of the bills. I