
as someone educated in a ‘hard science’ field, i both agree and disagree with your point about tyson sounding condescending. my field of study is psychopharmacology. much like higher orders of physics, it’s not a subject in which the average person is well versed. additionally, the average american reads/comprehends

I bet it's something really shameful like he's never read Discworld.

If a baby is crying because they are hungry, and you feed them, aren’t you giving into them too? I don’t mean to sound rude about it, but it’s kind of the point.

Still better than a republican.

Leave Figrin D’an ALONE

I’ll take financially broke over morally bankrupt every single fucking time until the heat death of the universe.

Fox and trumpanzees’ obsession with her is super creepy

As a public service to my fellow readers, I checked out the comments section on “Brietbart”, gaining an insight into how the VSWP (Very Scary White People) are thinking.

What I said is not extreme at all. Put down the pearls grandma. Re-read the article...THEY/THEM are: “An America where the fight for civil rights and the fight against white supremacy is met with their bullets, billy clubs, nooses, rocks, fists, spit, brass knuckles, barbed wire, firehoses, firing squads, dogs,

I’m going to say someting melodramatic here - I’m dying, and thus I won’t be here in say, the next twenty years. But shush now. I have a long, long post here. It’s aimed at you Millennial snotterbag. Listen up, please (and stop chewing that gum, you in the purple hoodie. I know where you live...)

Luckily, he clearly isn’t.

There’s always this dude:

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

You would have to have some incredible hostility towards your father to accuse him of sexually assaulting you for years like that. In fact the only thing I can think of that would create that kind of hostility in a person is being abused (sexually) for many years by that parent. The circle closes.

For a fraction of a second that did not seem doctored to me.

“failed to provide a safe and secure environment” for the participants, among other complaints.

Going to the two closest Walmarts reminds me why I still shop at Amazon.

I would star this post, but didn’t for fear of tracking. 

So, let’s see. The Memphis police spied on BLM protesters.