I’m still scared shitless of being caught by my kid doing something im not supposed to because of that commercial. Made me paranoid for life.
I’m still scared shitless of being caught by my kid doing something im not supposed to because of that commercial. Made me paranoid for life.
Given how “With All Apologies to Jesse Jackson” is the wokest South Park episode ever, and it focuses mostly on blackness and white vulnerability, I’m actually looking forward to how they handle this part because it’s the one thing they handled perfectly.
“I learned it from watching you!”
Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?
In Trump’s defense (fuck, I never thought I’d utter those words), it’s not like praying actually does anything.
Who needs facts when white racists have feelings?
Likely no one complained to them before. I had never heard of DS before this (not that I would) but I doubt they audit all the sites they host?
“Thug or not, if I were him, I would’ve shot those idiots.”
I’m interviewing him later today and will find out.
I’m white and have posted Root articles to Facebook only to have other white friends try to tell me Root is racist. I had to explain to her that writing an article to their base instead of her privileged ass doesn’t qualify it as racist. She unfollowed me but didn’t unfriend, so I keep on inserting my viewpoints into…
But remember we must condemn the violence on all sides because apparently Anti-fascists getting a bit pushy and shovey is equivalent to Nazis attempting to beat people to death or run them over. /s
A number of rich people that I know are actually really generous. They donate a lot of time and money to people and causes in need. They also pay a shit ton in property taxes, sales taxes, and income taxes; and that helps subsidize many less fortunate as well.
Imagine the abject horror of some shlub renting a parking space and then parking his clapped out pickup truck on it. I love it when entitled dbags get their comeuppance.
How can you be excited about this when it hasn’t aired yet? You don’t know what it’s even about!
An old-school refrigerator?