Are you inbred?
Are you inbred?
And it makes sense that Metro workers would be allowed to eat on the train because they probably spend most of their time on the train and, at the least, their downtime is likely spent on the train going from one location to another. It’s not like they can go to Chili’s for lunch.
I’ll shame the fuck out of a brand but I’m not gonna name an employee on social media and especially not take a pic of someone clearly on their fucking break.
Me too. But I wouldn’t have taken a picture of her and put her on blast on Twitter, because I’m not a fucking asshole.
Ok but like, this is a low wage worker who obviously didn’t have time for a proper lunch break. There’s a big difference between being silently pissed in your head and putting this person on public blast to try to get them fired/in trouble with their boss over something so petty. It’s not like she’s the one who set…
Good. Fuck this idiot empty-resume’d woman.
Good. When someone tells you to mind your business it’s best to heed that advice. Way to take a low stakes situation and blow up your own life lady.
I saw a comment on The Root article about this same situation that made one of the best points: Employees of companies often get to do things customers aren’t allowed to do. It’s that simple.
I admit that I’m annoyed by people who eat on transit (irrationally so; I have weird issues about hearing people eat thanks to misophonia, too) but I can’t IMAGINE doing something like this; if it’s getting to me, I get up and move. Life goes on.
“Rules are rules” sticklers who see no grey are little fascists in training. Don’t trust them.
What a bitch ass, petty thing to do. People need to mind themselves.
“Communications Expert” who can’t help herself on twitter - hopefully she’s tweeted herself out of further employment in that field.
“She also stressed that a vast majority of the debt — 72% — is from students who are not enrolled in the National School Lunch Program.”
You know, I started seriously dating my husband just as smartphones became ubiquitous. (I’m old.) I’ve never received a dick pic let alone random DMs. I can see I didn’t miss out.
He’s on r/theredpill right now ranting about how she cost him his job over nothing.
Oh, they want worse. They want prisons filled with women who tried to abort their pregnancies.
Back in the 70's, women dying in backalley abortions was a bug. Now it is considered a feature.
You should read the links that Moskovitz provides to research studies - especially the work by Karkazis & Jordan. (Oversimplified summary: While testosterone *may* help some people in their athletic endeavors, there is no reputable scientific study finding that the presence of naturally produced testosterone helps you…
Because naturally occurring testosterone and synthetic testosterone are different. Also because testosterone doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it has to exist in a body that is properly equipped to utilize the testosterone to athletic advantage. There are many, common medical conditions that elevate women’s natural…