
I can judge that you seem like a total delight at parties with your rage issues. 

based on a single Jezebel post that involved a whole two hours of gossip-mag research, you are totally justified in asserting that you KNOW she is concerned “exclusively” with how she looks.

Had to scroll waaay up to see the original comment, but man, was it worth it to pair with your reply. <chef’s kiss>

Replying to promote. Reach out to clinics and ask how you can help support them. I understand Farber’s intentions but disagree with her that patients are reading signs and feeling encouraged by supportive counter protesters. They have enough on their plates without having to feel like they’re stepping foot onto a polit

Wake Up San Francisco Because I Have A Warrant Out On Me.

As an organizer of a five-year-old clinic escort effort, I can assure you that less, not more, screaming and yelling is the best environment for the patient, who should be our first consideration. Escorts provide a physical shield and moral support, and if you really want to support these women, do not bring more

I have no doubt it’s partly a status thing. But as I said elsewhere, Kris Jenner didn’t give a rat’s ass about her kids getting into an Ivy League school. Now she’s laughing all the way to the bank.

Being designated as a recruit is not the same thing as receiving a scholarship and thus does not require actual participation in the sport at the collegiate level. Plenty of college athletes, including those in revenue-generating programs at large schools (i.e. big time football and basketball programs) but

USC is not a state school and it has a 17% admittance rate.

I don’t know a more embarrassing OJ to come out of USC.

Those cheek highlights are not great advertising for her palette.

And if you notice, lawsuits against colleges regarding unfair admissions are always focused on Black students.

One of the only good parts of Suicide Squad was Deadshot’s demands for his daughter. Paraphrasing:

This is the nouveau riche version of notorious “legacy admissions” that the dimwitted offspring of wealthy families have depended upon forever (see Bush, George W., Trump, Allof’em, and Kushner, Jared). Spoiled brats and the parents who spoil them. I never want to hear another word about Affirmative Action for

This development warms the cockles of my first-generation college student heart.

That video represents the one time you’ll hear this man’s voice over the sound of his jacked up Silverado 2500's open tailpipe.

The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........

I, for one, find it refreshing that a Becky is finally being charged with something.

I’m reminded of this story from Allen Iverson about walking into Villanova in college and seeing some guys in prison jumpsuits with a sign saying “Allen Iverson: the next MJ OJ”, and how JT3 reacted.

I wish players/coaches would do this more