
All I said was that I listened to people I respected, have no idea if they are right, but gave my son (all of his) vaccines based on a staggered schedule so that there was no danger of vaccine injury.

Yes. Some ideas are so awful they don’t deserve discussion—there are not two sides deserving of consideration. Always punch Nazis and always shame antivaxxers.

Every single notion deserves polite discourse? Outdated racial theories? Eugenics? Come on, offensively dumb shit doesn’t deserve the respect polite language gives it.

Someone can be most requested and still be dangerous and uninformed. I honestly can’t believe these comments. I wouldn’t request her. I wouldn’t take my child to a doctor who espouses these views as I would have serious concerns about their medical knowledge and capabilities. If that makes me an outlier in the South

“Reinforces my biases” does not make you an objectively good physician. Also, you doxxed your mom; it took me about five minutes to figure out who she is.

There is a strong contingent of pediatricians and physicians, like her, who believe based on their own experiences that vaccines strongly contribute to autism.

But also playing to the dipshits that will buy this as conclusive proof that he can’t be racist.

This guy gets it:

The only part of the natural drug-free home birth in water plan that I’m judging is the part where she’s being sanctimonious about it before it even happens. Kat, honey. The fact is you don’t always get to have the labour and delivery of your optimistic dreams.

As a tattoo artist who has had to regularly protect herself and her clients from blood-borne illnesses, she should really know better.

Kat has been garbage waaaaaaaaaaay before this revelation

what are the odds Trump knows Ali is dead?

The rare posthumous rope a dope.

Maybe Trump’s going to pardon him for being a Muslim. Or just for being black.

I think some of what pisses people off in regards to this particular case is how we label brown and black kids vs white kids.

If this is a self-contained school for emotional behavior disorders, this would generally mean this kid has a pretty severe case of EBD. I have a few students with EBD (none this severe) and the impulse control just isn’t there. When something makes them mad, generally their first instinct is to violence. Hell, last

“Getting a tattoo is fun. But the act comes with a lot of responsibility.”

Where do you live? In my state you have to do a year long apprenticeship under a licensed shop, pass a test, get a license and have it renewed every year, and have your shop inspected on a regular basis. The regulations are 19 pages long.

So, when you imagined this online persona, were you going for Inflammatory, Inflammatory Yet Responsive, 14-year-old Banned From Incel Sub, White Pubescent Teen Posing As WOC, or what?

Troll in the dungeon