
One of the most exhausting and frustrating things in the whole entire world is a privileged white person with oppressive political views getting bent out of shape because someone reasonably makes the logical connection from those political views to personal beliefs and calls her out on it.

I’m pretty happy about a show that starts out saying women are just big bitches to each other and then it ends like women are a village and they’re the only ones they can really trust. Like holy shit mind blown I love all you ladies out there I’d kill your abusive husband and help raise your kids.

I told all my married friends that if I wasn’t married by 30 then they’d get a birthday registry from me, because I deserve a KitchenAid too, dammit.

Both: women shouldn’t work at all. Unless it’s for free. At their husband’s business or at church.

“Fun” fact about this case: it doesn’t allow Jehovah’s Witnesses to refuse to cover blood transfusions. Contraception is the only “objectionable” medical service that can be denied.

I notice that Neil Gorsuch has two children. Only two, which means either he and his wife ceased intimate relations after the birth of the second child, or they used some form of birth control.

It’s simple! Keep an aspirin between your knees. (The employer won’t pay for the aspirin, either.)

If it were up to those people women wouldn’t work and would just stay at home where they belong.

The utopia is women staying out of the workplace altogether and squirting out a bunch of Christian babies with their breadwinning husbands, DUH.

Let’s just get a running tally going...

Next, employers will complain that they’re made complicit in evil when their employees spend their salaries on birth control and abortions. They’ll try to write and enforce contracts restricting what people (women) can spend their salaries on.

Yes, this. Employees are offered healthcare as part of compensation. For instance, when I was given my “compensation package” at my last job, it included my insurance costs, 401k matching, etc. So while my actual paycheck was X, my total compensation was Y. And not covering birth control under that insurance plan

Should a Jehovah’s witness boss be able to not cover blood transfusions?

Well employer provided health insurance is generally considered part of your compensation. So I might frame the two as “the right to decide how to use your paycheck” vs “an employer’s right to decide how employees use their paychecks”.

My favorite part is he didn’t actually get 306 — 2 electors withheld their votes, so he’s lying. He only got 304.

reading this you can also map out Trump’s speech patterns

Would all these free speech absolutists be ok with an American citizen that supports Jihadism speaking on college campuses? Can a group of American citizens that support sharia law hold a rally on some statehouse steps like the KKK?

As a busty girl I am SO OVER women and gay dudes grabbing my tits. Your lack or either a dick or desire to fuck me does not make it OK to touch my breasts. And I seem like a bitch when I say so. I hate everyone.


Sadly they are not. They’re piling on. Conservative women hate women too.