
How fucking stupid do people have to be to fail to realize that their highly skilled, underpaid, migratory workforce is going to be the first on the chopping block? Because Ag labor is skilled labor, not something that a bunch of desperate, out of work suburbanites can learn in an afternoon. And not something a bunch

That number is way more than the $12-15 billion estimate that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cited in January and double the estimated $10 billion that Trump himself stated.

I saw that earlier today, and I nearly flipped off my phone. That’s how pissed I was at their stupidity.

classic Schrödinger’s Douchebag: say something horrid, then decide whether or not it was “just a joke” once people react.




This whole opinion is incredible. It’s like: “Do you even know how this government thing works?”

The Government does not merely argue that courts owe substantial deference to the immigration and national security policy determinations of the political branches—an uncontroversial principle that is well-grounded in our jurisprudence. [...] Instead, the Government has taken the position that the President’s

God, please please please let this be true. I just had the BEST mental image of RGB in her robes, at a backyard BBQ, handing off her can of beer. It made me laugh.

The government contends that the district court lacked authority to enjoin enforcement of the executive order because the president has ‘unreviewable authority to suspend the admission of any class of aliens’ …

Ryan died on a winning mission

Bet he’s taking the D pretty hard!!!

I usually stay away from this term but I have reached my goddamn limit.

um.....Lock Her Up?

I love it when movie folks pursue racist projects and then disingenuously try to cover their asses by feigning ignorance for being offensive. Almost as much as i love racism/racist apologists who parrot mealy mouthed excuses about people in Japan being hunky dory about Hollywood white washing (i.e. a problem that does

As someone who has to live under our current administration AND someone who voted for Warren, I don’t give a fuck what her motives are for speaking out. Is she speaking for women? YES. Is she speaking for black women? YES. Is she speaking for the people who elected her? YES. Is she promoting something that will make

Let’s not be naive.

STFU. Seriously.

Side conversation: