
Wouldn’t you think the second Trump praises your actions that any sane, decent person would immediately know they made a wrong turn and reevaluate? I am so sad about this... not only because it’s Florida (again), but it’s just I’ve always felt like something like this would not repeat itself, that at the very least

Clearly a photoshop. Donald would have written “Your.”

But his meetings now begin at 9 a.m., earlier than they used to, which significantly curtails his television time. Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books, is able to end his evenings with plenty of television.

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

yes, in autotune.

I am humbled and gratified that this comment received 2,500 stars.

Well, out of curiosity I did the math (correctly I think), using my pre-ACA IUD price of $500 and my latest protest sign purchase of about $5. My signs were in a 3-pack, so that makes about 300 signs. Plus, I splurged on premium foamboard that was pre-cut into easily carried dimensions. 

First they came for the First Lady jobs and we said nothing. Now this!

My favorite family court judge won’t call the time split between separated/divorced parents as “visitation.” He always says “parenting time” because, as he says, you aren’t visiting with your children, you are their parent.

How nice would it have been to have woken up today with an alternative President instead?

I was anchoring today and spelled out the President was lying. It was my third story down, post marches and the CIA clusterfuck, and I very specifically said the crowd DID NOT back to the monument, and that numbers did not match what Spicer said.

Drinking game: shot every time you read the word “falsely” or any variation.

I mean, he has a point. In this shot it does look pretty crowded.

“Pre-born” is post-fact.

how long before we see “pre-born LGBT rights”?

It’s fucking ridiculous to include people who are FOR what we are marching AGAINST.

This “preborn women’s rights” line is the newest argument the anti-abortion crowd is pulling out of their asses. I just had a guy try and pull it on me this morning. This along with the “okay, we’re gonna be feminists now, only pro-life ones” (oxymoron much?), is obviously the latest strategy coming down from the

They were there to reclaim feminism for the anti-abortion movement, to use the language of feminism, but to recenter on “pre-born” women and the abortion industry. “We’re marching for the pre-born,” Lori told Jezebel. Both of them were unhappy about the unapologetically pro-choice stance of the Women’s March.

Actually, Sheila, the vast majority of fetuses are aborted before there is any observable sex.