Fuck these crybabies. Give me Jessica Chastain as the motherfucking Batman. Give me Meryl Streep as Indiana Jones, Mindy Kaling as Wolverine. None of this is reaaaalllllllll.
Fuck these crybabies. Give me Jessica Chastain as the motherfucking Batman. Give me Meryl Streep as Indiana Jones, Mindy Kaling as Wolverine. None of this is reaaaalllllllll.
Can we start butihaveboobs.com where we feature clothes that will safely button over DD+ breasts, sports bras that aren’t a cruel joke, sweaters that won’t look like tarps...
My guy, the thing that everyone should be looking at isn’t collusion, it’s the criminal element of conspiracy. That’s not an FEC fine. Two or more people agreed to conspire to commit a criminal act of defrauding the American people. That’s where Mueller is looking and if we are going to throw these people out on their…
This! Just because we’re both women doesn’t mean I want to touch your new boobs, see them, hear about your gruesome period, your boyfriend’s penis, or any combination thereof. There’s a familiarity that I never want to have with a person I work with unless we become genuine friends outside of work and dear god, not my…
It’s really ok. These are the weirdest times, it’s hard to even believe what is real anymore.
You may have missed my sarcasm there.
As a democrat, I “approve” of Donald Trump’s performance because he hasn’t gotten us killed in nuclear hellfire. Yet. But it’s a sliding scale, and the bar is so, so, so, so low.
I would stop responding to him, he’s an obvious liar with no concept of the legal definition of conspiracy, concealment, etc. He’s gas lighting people and slinging shit all over the place while being so woefully stupid, it’s almost sad to pick on him. He hasn’t said one thing about the law that’s been correct.
Yeah, I just wish his comments could be deleted, because they add to the overall spirit of ignorance around legal topics. I don’t know what his angle is, if he’s malevolent or just a moron.
yeah, but no. If you are fishing without a license, you are in violation of the law regardless of whether you’ve caught a fish or not.
Uh, how are you correcting me again? This is the exact language: “Penalties for Inaccurate or False Statements
You’re 100% full of shit, it’s on page 2 of the fucking form: falsifying or concealing. Enjoy trolling this thread and good luck in life, you’re gross.
No, you said that withholding information isn’t the same as lying. It is exactly the same. I’ve gone through the process and I can’t tell you how many times the investigator tells you they don’t give a shit about what you did, they just care if your past can be used against you. Again, you’re inventing a knowledge you…
Jesus. That’s not true. That’s not at all true. Withholding/omitting information from the OPM investigator is the exact same in the eyes of OPM as lying. The reason it’s rarely prosecuted without other criminal offenses is because the federal government is fucking busy and it’s easier or just revoke clearance or deny…
You’re really, really bad at this. Soliciting from a foreign entity, even if they give you nothing, IS against the law. And lying or omitting on your SF-86 is a very big fucking deal. You read and fill out more that 120 pages and federal agents sit with you and go through the whole damn thing because what they want to…
I’ve definitely said stuff to men and women at the gym like “your arms are my life goals” to a woman whose Michelle Obama arms are the stuff of dreams and “wanna arm wrestle” to a guy who was pressing about 300lbs so here’s hoping there’s a little leeway.
you need the ability to sleep in a 500 square foot hovel with roommates and the ability to work two or three jobs that do pay you a little while not sleeping much and eating like a sick raccoon.
Yes it’s really shocking that a professional writer will have written a book.
Ugggggghjhhhhhsjdjdlsjajsh that’s not true. People are not allergic to the “fur”, they’re allergic to dander or saliva. These bullshit designer dogs and similar can cause as many allergic reactions as other dogs. It’s really the luck of the draw. Google it or read the thread above.
Really? Your troubled dilettante brother beats his girlfriend and violates her by posting her intimate photos online and your response is “no snitching”?! Go fuck yourself.