
So now that I've disproved this idiot's claim, you want to change the parameters? Ok. I never once said that reporting a rape to the police is a fun experience. I'm sure it's absolutely terrible and I know the process keeps so many from reporting their rapes. BUT, if HUPD isn't doing their job, she does have other

I imagine Newton PD is really great at sudoku and getting takeout.

I'm not sure if this will horrify you or interest you, probably both, but a person's innocence isn't in and of itself grounds for habeas relief, per SCOTUS. Look up Herrera v. Collins, it's an amazing case that highlights the sometimes Kafkaesque nature of our legal system.

You certifiable dipshit, of course they have a choice. I don't know what Bizarro world you live in where a rape victim doesn't have the right to walk into a police precinct and report a crime. She has a choice, she STILL has a choice, and I'm appalled that she wasn't advised as such. Not only that, HUPD encourages

I obeyed =! I consented

BC had Boston cops? It's not even in Boston... that seems odd. I said "even" in that Simmons and Emmanuel are tiny schools and still have their own PD. I might have been confused by your post, but you went to BC, so. :)

I'm pretty familiar with most Boston schools and even Simmons/Emmanuel have their own cops. But yeah, you can call, or go to, a police precinct.

Bullshit. A Harvard student knows the difference between Harvard PD (brown and green cars) and Cambridge PD. Cambridge police absolutely has jurisdiction over Harvard. Harvard isn't the damn Vatican, it exists inside Cambridge. Last December's bomb threat wasn't left up to Harvard PD to deal with, it was turned over

That's stupid and not true. Caught smoking pot in your room? Campus PD. Stabbed your roomie? That gets turned over to Cambridge PD. Harvard isn't its own municipality. It exists and is subject to the laws of Massachusetts and rape victims can call whomever the fuck they please.

Why isn't she contacting Cambridge PD and reporting her rape?! Fuck the Ad Board and fuck Student Health. Why should her rapist simply get to transfer Houses or get expelled? He should be in jail.

Stupid comment. Imagine being 19 and away from home for probably the first time, your formative years, and you're surrounded by people who either ignore you, patronize you, or belittle you. For four years. My black classmates at Harvard would often say they were both invisible and extremely conspicuous. Imagine

It's the program and is designed to encourage first-generation and underrepresented people to apply to law school. There are programs around the country, and they're great exposure for students who wouldn't otherwise think law school is for them.

SigEp is Sigma Phi Epsilon, not SAE.

That's not true. She bought the guns for them to use together because as a moron, she decided that the best course of action for a troubled teen was to take him to the shooting range. Do you have anything to say about Cho, who purchased his guns legally? How about Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooting) who killed 13 people

Huh?! Cho got his guns legally online before he massacred dozens at VaTech. Lanza's mother bought guns for him to use. You're fucking crazy.

Fun fact: nobody cares if you went to generic state U/Podunk College. People, employers, partners, colleagues do care what school you went to if you went to a top school. If nothing else, it gets you a second look or a foot in the door.

Correction: LW3's priority is HERSELF, not her family or her friend's opinion. Adding a possibly troubled child (foster care can be rough on kids) from a possibly tough background into a new marriage is a huge challenge. LW3 is being cavalier about how hard it is to raise a child, how hard it is to raise a child that