
In my experience she feels like she did earn it! Through her special family’s hard work which is totes legit. And if she were to think she has unfair advantages, the commentary from her peers would be that she is filled with “self-loathing”.

That’s some slick, class-A trolling. Well done. [*slow clap*]

Yeah, I'm somewhat sure that my in-laws will definitely be taken care of because if me. I mean, their kids are great (I am married to one after all :) but none of their kids seem to take it very seriously, that they'll need taking care of one day. The in-laws have plenty of money, but I think that is, to an extent,

you're right about that,p. It makes me crazy that hubby does that a LOT. But I have also learned that he really isn't aware of his moods like I am of my own. At least, it takes him a lot longer to become aware of his mood.


What! Was shedding a tear "too girly"? This is what we mean by "feminism is for men, too". He can't show emotion? Fuck that noise.

I've gotten to where I love it when my (otherwise generally awesome) hubby, who is a terrible interrupter, jumps in to negate or comment on a sentence of mine when I'm 3 words in because he presumes he knows what I'm going to say, yet he's wrong and I am literally about to address/answer/say what he just said. I'll

Yeah you're right. I never asked myself in these 35 years OF THINKING IT WAS JSUT ME, "Could it be me?" Clearly I think I'm so reasonable because the mark of a reasonable person is one who never looks in a mirror and considers, could it be me? I wish I'd had some idea what "reasonable" meant all these years! Thank

so true, with the whole "men look at you like it's so awkward for people to be talking over each other and they're offended" thing. I do the talking over thing, but I hate that you have to stand your ground and point out (with a dirty look) "um , I'M not the one being rude here!, hellooooo!" The woman is totally the

Yeah, awareness of the issue has helped a lot!

Tried it. Paid attention. Not the problem.

You know why there's the old joke that "my wife is never 'wrong'?" BECAUSE SHE'S PROBABLY NOT. It's true in my marriage anyway (my husband admits this often...not that it helps in a disagreement).

Jezebel, Jezebel. What have you done to me?

You're so right. My bestie hit it off with a short-ish friend of ours. She was waffling about it, mentioning his height. And I was all "You're 33 and you say you want a partner. If you were serious about that, you wouldn't give a damn about this bullshit height stuff. You've dated loads of tall assholes, and you've

Well I guess I need a bit more on that then because I struggle to comprehend feeling sexual in the absence of feeling attraction. Maybe the talk of also not identifying with a gender is confusing the issue? I dunno. But this article confused me more than ever.

right? My hubs wears earplugs and can't work a hammer. I do all the DIY and if any noises happen at night, guess who gets up? MOI. Even if I try to wake him, he's all...he doesn't wake up. Nice try buddy. We ain't having kinds. I see how that's gonna ago! Haha.

....said pretty much every (American, at least) man I've known.

can I say, I'm maybe as confused as ever? I grasp from this that asexual has so much more of a wider meaning than I thought, that it's evolving, and that it's multi-faceted in a way most of us don't appreciate. Thank you for that. I've learned.

Yes I am still hoping. But if things generally worked how they should, there'd be a fucking RULE/LAw that the first offence was enough for him to definitely be in trouble (not sitting there, continuing to work, with a shrug saying "haters gonna hate"). But he knew the odds are in his favor (in terms of multiple kinds