LastFirstMI is my name

Neutral: What Will We Buy When The World Has No More Equinoxes?

I think the buses are hugging the trees.

I always thought that part of the success WAS the B-roll level acting. It helped further the entire pulpish idea that the people themselves were scripted by the hand of the media/propaganda.

Oh you are are you? ;)

Pretty sure I win

Couldn’t edit my last, so here’s this little guy. Street parked, usually.

Sure there is, it’s called “Apple Maps.”

Meth. The explanation is meth.

I was hoping for Infinite Improbability Drive. I got the Improbable part right.

If your Jalopnik bump does not subside within two weeks, or becomes discolored, please consult your physician.

Agreed. Especially the sedan version.

Yea i started thinking about it halfway through my rant... but omg what a dream submission. That one guy that came to you that had won a decent sum was pretty cool. I love seeing what people’s passions are when money is less of a boundary and more of a ‘consideration’.

Me personally? I’d contact Icon for something very

Get in your way-back machine and remember to old Shell commercials where a car flys, really flies, though a billboard. I have it on VERY GOOD authority that the team that did the stunt (they had built a ramp behind the billboard) -used

Manuel Camero for sell. New breaks, duel exhaust.

Obviously you should buy FCA. I mean it’s the smart choice that you should definitely make.

Not abad tribute to a giant dick.

How about “Ulysses S. Grant Kicked Robert E Lee’s Ass Highway”

I think that David just might be a full fledged adult now. He has recognized that looking cool isn’t worth suffering for, and that he fucked up. The latter is something some people can never manage.  

Please, stop, fighting, Mercedes, Benzes. (William Shatner rendition)