LastFirstMI is my name

Cup holders are so passé. Where are the taco holders?! That’s what the people want to know

GE? How’s the ice maker?

How do you starve a UVM trustafarian? Hide his parents’ credit card under the soap.

Oh good, another article about not-cars. Maybe if the subway converted the tracks to a road course and each commuter got their own kart, then I would be interested in mass transit and might even move back to the city. I would look forward to the daily slog in and out of New York if it meant I could chase down other

It’s like they chopped down a whole forest of fake trees just for the trim.

That sketch looks familiar....

This news came just in time. I was about to set aside money for my children’s college fund and my retirement, but this is clearly the better choice!

I saw this at IKEA. Certainly more unique than just another P1 or Ferrari Laferrariferrariferrari.


A salesman tried to impress my brother with a Ford that had the “24 Volt” engine. Which definitely would have been more “special” and “limited” than a plain old 12 volt car I guess.