Cup holders are so passé. Where are the taco holders?! That’s what the people want to know.
Cup holders are so passé. Where are the taco holders?! That’s what the people want to know.
GE? How’s the ice maker?
How do you starve a UVM trustafarian? Hide his parents’ credit card under the soap.
Oh good, another article about not-cars. Maybe if the subway converted the tracks to a road course and each commuter got their own kart, then I would be interested in mass transit and might even move back to the city. I would look forward to the daily slog in and out of New York if it meant I could chase down other…
This news came just in time. I was about to set aside money for my children’s college fund and my retirement, but this is clearly the better choice!
A salesman tried to impress my brother with a Ford that had the “24 Volt” engine. Which definitely would have been more “special” and “limited” than a plain old 12 volt car I guess.