LastFirstMI is my name


If your name was like, Lloyd Lawson or something like that, you could be the burnout Zorro. Just leaving LL everywhere.

Sorry. “Camión de la basura” then…

This is the best reason to build things and this is how advancement works. Good idea or bad idea, build it and see what happens. Unless it's a CVT. Don't build CVTs.

Ever since the Top Gear segment, this car has been in my 10-car “money is no object” dream garage. I’ll park it right next to my ICON truck.

You forgot to mention the standard 14.5 gallon axlotl tank.

Think you gave me an idea for the next Jalopnik poll: What’s the best factory exhaust system?

False. The correct answer is a ton of hard work combined with a nice cocktail of performance enhancing drugs. It has to be the good stuff that US athletes are using that’s not currently detectable though, not that cheap shit Russia uses.

Or maybe I could use the lure of free flights to get more friends?

I have no doubt that, given our current political climate, this gentleman will reach high office indeed. The highest office. You would not believe how high the office this man will reach is gonna be.

Man, here is where I wish the Porscheophiles could learn something about loyalty from their BMW brethren.

They are eliminating emissions by never actually producing the truck.

He also probably liked how the new NSX had much more interior room due to the fact that it is big enough to park an original NSX inside of.

How does a cop with “11 years of training and experience” not recognize part of a donut?

step 1. Stay on topic

Imagine this as an entire racing series. Would this work for you?

Good, thanks to the Internet and smart phones, my attention sp

I would rather spend $5500 on a solitary Ferrari brake disk than have one of these. Or an M5 brake disk and caliper and a bicycle. Or two used Honda 750s and an umbrella.

I would rather drive this than a 2005 Cavalier or Cobalt.