
Would it help to just find out now that it didn’t have any meaning? For anyone?

We’d have to ask our cable provider whether they carry it, and then embark on a long quest to find it (in Austin, it’s located between the channel that plays Byron Allen comedian roundtable shows from 2006 and the Airport Parking Lot Quasi-Emergency Channel)

Cleatus the Robot (voiced by Vin Diesel) hosts CLEAT COURT, coming to Fox Sports VI, right between Garbage Time and Two Schmucks, Any Schmucks, Take Your Pick, Yelling.

Grayson by far. It’s the Grayson Allen of names.

To his credit, Allen also called Santa Ana after their meeting to apologize again.

I’ll never forget that magical week when Joe Webb started as QB for the...Vikings? Packers? and was listed as a QB/WR in fantasy.

Fun story: I scooped him off waivers before anyone and then after a slow game all the reports are all, “Montgomery’s usefulness is over” and then I dropped him.
As a 49ers’ Fan, this is the closest I can get to feeling like Trent Baalke.

Gonna be real honest here. I was excited to see what the forth sport was. A bit disappointed it’s track and field. I mean, it’s fine, whatever, but I hoped it was something like bowling or cross country skiing.
Just not enough athletes make the transition from dressage to football, I guess.

He had been a four-sport athlete in high school, playing football, baseball, lacrosse and lacrosse.

same thing make you laugh make you cry


Oh lord... Miss April has me so hard right now. I’d like to fertilize her roe.

Hard pass.

That calendar turned out swimmingly.

I Yet Again Was Not Asked to Model for This Erotic Carp Calendar, But I Was Sent One

That’s hyperbolic nonsense. The Phantom Menace is one of the worst major-release films ever made. It’s fine to dislike The Force Awakens, but c’mon.

R2 and 3PO had to be in this though. They’re still the only 2 characters that have been in every film.

Except it kinda makes sense that Artoo and Threepio are on Yavin IV, because that’s where Capt. Antilles and the Tantive IV would be based (with the rest of the rebels) before they all decided to get off their asses and help out on Scarif.

The nerd in me wants to say that Chirrut was a Force adept, meaning he had Force potential but no formal Jedi training. That’d explain why he was able to basically “see” and how he could feel what Cassian was about to do. It’d also explain why he could beat up the stormtrooper: throw a little Force behind his strikes.

He’s a Dad. He got Dad Jokes.