
Army is kind of a joke, we know. I’m a 2010 grad who was a plebe at west point in 2006. This is my 10 year anniversary watching A/N as a cadet/officer. As Army ran out the clock, I started thinking of classmates I had that were killed in the past six years and I completely lost it. Started bawling. I hate hyperbole

To be fair, this is a man who knows a few things about sub-par football.


This was an especially emotional game for players and students of Army and Navy when you consider most of them are going to be killed in a nuclear war soon.

No. It’s been twenty years. Get over it. Sorry.

No. It’s been twenty years. Get over it. Sorry.

This is a very strange and not super healthy way to think about relationships.

I mean, I agree that if you are having screaming fights on a regular basis, yeah, you probably want to find a way out, but sometimes couples argue, it doesn’t make them unhappy. Source: Been happily married for 10 years. Sometimes we argue.

Well I’d contest there are options other than “leaving the relationship and not looking back” and “pushing them down the stairs”, but obviously option A is infinitely preferable to option B.

That picture...I’m a free man and haven’t smile like that in a while.

Someone who knows he’ll have expensive representation provided to him for free.

From a politician in my state... :facepalm:

Not sure the collective bargaining argument is a good one, but the ADA one has some interesting merit to it.

According to the NFL, guys getting shot up with Demerol before games and knocking back Vicodin 4 times a day during the week is preferable to smoking some pot.

“We’re gonna penalize that shit.”
“We’re gonna profit off that shit.”

Funny quote by Travis...and pretty impressive Kelce Grammar.

And here’s the NFL, publicizing the unsportsmanlike conduct!


Missouri loves company.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s extensive batch of Arrowhead fight videos.

So he was smoking the Crohnic?