Your comment reminded me of this:
Your comment reminded me of this:
Don’t know why there’s much mystery about whether a kid like that to get ejected. Seems like a pretty black and white situation.
There are few universal truths. Fire is hot. Water is wet. Will Cain is an idiot.
Bull and shit Sir or Madam.
Nobody’s missed the point, you ignoramus. Everybody knows why they asked these stupid questions. That doesn’t change the fact that they shouldn’t be asked in a setting which is in every way a job interview.
This is mediocre Kinja.
And yet someone drafted Aaron Hernandez.
I just don’t see the logic here. How does an absurd (and illegal, if you’re talking about the context of a job interview, which the combine effectively is) question in a room with a few assholes in it correspond to having your performance on the field scrutinized by the media or a fanbase?
You libs are so judgmental. You know, some people, REAL AMERICANS, read his words with pride.
Fucking hell, if simply reading his word salad makes my brain hurt, I offer my sincerest condolences to those who have to listen to this moron talk.
Millennials. They just don’t get it. Their sole function in life is to please older folks, no matter what. I don’t understand what is so hard to understand about that. Just do your job. Be on time.
Bill Cosby also has 0 rape convictions. Doesn’t change the fact that he did that shit.
Quinerly was most likely the unnamed player who received a $150,000 payment from former Wildcats assistant Book Richardson,
They lobbied for opening bears ears and grande Escalante to mining and drilling, fuck them.
I’d rather have the flight delayed, and then canceled, and then the pilot quits, and then the airline goes out of business, and then the airport shuts down, and then all flights are grounded, and then humans lose the knowledge necessary for mechanical flight, than be on a barf plane.
It’s almost as if Trump is a liar and just says crazy shit all the time but people still report his words as fact.
Counterpoint. He is butt.
I would totally leak it, but I feel like that would be unfair to all these NCAA executives who work so hard all year (for mere hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases) to make sure that every single one of these kids preserve their sacred amateur status and the money goes exactly where it belongs: to the adults…