
Because he strung some words together that could maybe kinda be construed as a joke, but mostly just seems like a stupid insult of a sports team, Matheny is being sued for impersonation by the Deadspin comments.

Tebow, by contrast, looks exactly like someone who learned how to hit by looking really intensely at a pile of baseball cards and working backwards from there.

What this reminded me of:

From the headline, I honesty wasn’t sure whether to expect an article about what an awful person this Watson is, or an article about how the prosecutor in this case doesn’t actually know what rape is.

You seem fun.

You know what? Fuck you guys, I want an R63 now.

“C’mon guys, that was obviously a joke. You know, like the Texans.”

I’m fairly certain Jerry Jones is going to rip Abbott’s spine out of his body like some Mortal Kombat move if he’s told he can’t host another Super Bowl.

Remember: the market and corporations are always right when reacting to governmental over-regulation.*

My god, Texas is in a perpetual one-upmanship contest with itself to elect the floppiest white guy possible. Their next two governors will be a tray of Vanilla Jell-O, followed by an actual quivering lump of semen.

I’m quite certain Colin Kapernick has never said he’s oppressed. He’s fighting for those who are. Why is this a concept Republicans don’t get?

Jesus you fucking Patriot fans just don’t know how to stop after you’ve already won

And while you’re at it, you get to support a right wing, anti-marijuana, pro Joe Arpaio company! Yay!

And while you’re at it, you get to support a right wing, anti-marijuana, pro Joe Arpaio company! Yay!

You’re right, “click the links” isn’t good enough for something that’s material to the story. The offensive tweets should have been in the article. If you’re going to publish a piece on someone being offensive, you need to be specific. 

Could you maybe, I don’t know, tell us what he said?

Obama still tops Jordan with his burn.

Peter Thiel Revealed To Be Secret Majority Owner Of New England Patriots

Alternative take: Fuck Trump. Fuck the Pats. Fuck Boston. Fuck you. Fuck Atlanta and the Falcons, too. Fuck it all. Spring training starts soon. HERE WE GO, PHILS.