
The way you actually get the Inazuma feels like peak Genshin - after months of slow build, learning that the nation has been closed off both legally and physically, you finally find a ship and captain willing to smuggle you in through the massive, omnipresent thunderstorm surrounding the nation. You board the ship and

I’m interested in this.

Yes. All people who promote or enjoy the MAGA slogan are by definition assholes. If you have experienced what America has become under the influence of America-first idiots and fundamentalist/nationalists and not come to the same conclusion then I’d say it’s a failing on your part, not mine. Also, I’m ok with being a is it more convenient to try and thread the needle between too cars while going backwards than to back out from between two cars into empty space?

My biggest problem with it is people ahead of me driving past a parking space, making me think they missed it or skipped it, only to have them stop and back up into the spot, often forcing me to stop and back up to make space for them. It’s probably one of the worst things you can do in a busy parking lot. You want to

Then maybe they should secure it in their fucking truck rather than leaving it sticking out over the sidewalk so it smacks people in the shits.  Considering most of the hitches I see (in San Antonio) don’t even have the paint worn off them it’s not like they’re actually getting used for anything other than a lifestyle.

Aside from the mess of all the rednecks and MAGA turds not being able to back their bro-dozers into a parking space accurately, and taking 3 tries to get it even close, and then banging their door into my car because they’re simple-minded morons who can’t be bothered to pay any attention to what the fuck they’re

Ignoring anything else these mods make the truck much more deadly in the case of him hitting a pedestrian.  I’m amazed this is legal in the US?  Is it?  In Australia / UK, EU no way you could do this, police would be pulling you over and ticketing you until you removed it.  Trucks are already dangerous enough to

What I really wish they’d re-release and import into the US is the Honda Motra:

shut da fuck up

An STI engine swap would, of course, be neat but I’m just happy with the blue lighting if I’m honest.

I think snapchat filters are fucking creepy. This looks like a 110 minute long snapchat filter so I will be giving it a HARD PASS.

We had one of those and he basically ignored it when Hurricane Maria battered PR.

If you’d asked me yesterday what kind of play loop was being added to the resource/survival space exploration base-building sim, ‘milk aliens, make space quiche’ would not have been my first guess.

What are the odds Sonic floss dances at some point?

I would like to purchase the last one for my Art Deco trip to the Moon.

That’s a lie. ID is NOT easy to get in many places, especially when you are dealing with older people who have lost the original documents they need to get IDs. People are stuck in catch-22's because they need an ID to get the source documents they need to get an ID.

No one from EA abused you, grow up. They spend a certain amount, charge a certain amount, and sell a certain amount. It’s a business transaction not a friendship.