
So given that the popularity seems not to be limited to a single character, this would seem to be the Kantai Collection phenomenon (for lack of a better term)? That is to say, that trend of turning just about anything into cute girls? Historical figures, battleships, city destroying monsters, cockroaches, etc.

I’m telling you guys....Bowser is going to put the Super Crown on at some point in the game and y’all are setting yourselves up for a *massive* disappointment.

Nice! Do you have to buy them together or could you buy them... A lu card? :D

The next stuido to use up and throw away its staff like used trash the way Telltale did is right around the corner. Game Devs need to unionize before that happens and gamers need to support it.

You’re wrong. Science says that you’re wrong. The original article says that you’re wrong. You obviously did not read it and on the off chance that you did, you didn’t comprehend it very well. Your comments here are more condescending than helpful.

It’s still a fun game.

This video didn’t do a whole lot for me, but I’ve been amused by the little critiques Blizzard has been covertly inserting into their videos.

And if they do, all the better - same way as people who don’t need to eat gluten free but decide to anyway have incidentally made going out for a meal a hundred times easier for people who actually need to, if this sells well for ridiculous fighting game setup reasons and Sony decides they need to do something

Goddammit just let them do their work before you try derailing it. I’m cautiously optimistic about this show and now I gotta worry about writers getting harrased? Just let them tell a good story please..

It’s actually the opposite of working for them; instead of EA paying me, I’m the one giving them money. I’ve been sincerely surprised with Sims Mobile.
But I’m not mad. It’s not every day I get accosted by someone with as cool a name as “Tacopocalypse.” Well met.

One player on the subreddit complained that Konami had been “ignoring everyone’s pleas to fix a system that allowed a handful of nuke developers to overturn the efforts of an army of disarmers”

What’s your advice for me, then, frenchpressgirl? You’re all over this thread telling women how not to get raped. So I’d love to know what I should have done.

Canyon Lake. Comal County, Texas. By Phil Lewis.

Reads part about about clicking sound followed with nothing.
“PSU, for sure.”
Reads end regarding lemon PSU.

Yes, they need to make a compact truck, and simple, cheap RWD sedan I would never buy new but definitely shop when about 7-10 years old too.....

I love it when a racecar has a face that looks just ever-so-slightly worried.